We work with local people to provide railways that are vital to thriving communities

What is Community Rail?

Community Rail is a government strategy supported by the rail industry. It engages local people in the development and promotion of local and rural routes, services and stations.

It also encourages the community to get directly involved in improving the railway environment through the use of redundant buildings, provision of additional services such as cafes and the improvement of railway land.

亚搏真人社区铁路路线remain connected to the national rail network, and train operating companies run the trains and stations. We maintain the追踪,signals,桥梁和隧道.


TheConnecting Communities with the Railways取代社区铁路发展战略。亚搏真人


  • 为社区提供声音
  • Promoting sustainable, healthy and accessible travel
  • Bringing communities together and supporting diversity and inclusion
  • 支持社会和经济发展


本地社区铁路伙伴关系的支持 - 与铁路行业和地方当局合作的承诺和专用亚搏真人人士,以促进线路和改善站,火车服务,巴士链路和通道。

These partnerships have often been developing over many years. The first groups were created in the early 1990s by independent volunteers setting up activities at neighbouring stations, benefiting their local railway line as a whole.

这些最终将在一个组织下拉在一起。社区铁路亚搏真人网络as it stands today was established in 2000 – liaising between Community Rail Partnership members, national and local government and the rail industry to support Community Rail initiatives at grassroots level.

Together, we’re improving the efficiency and revenue of services, as well as increasing passenger numbers and freight use. We believe that it's one of the ways we can support local communities and help to provide a long-term future for our railways.

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