
Important information – Coronavirus

We are working extra hard to keep you safe from coronavirus when you travel through our stations.

Visit our帮助您安全旅行或者我们Coronavirus旅游咨询页面欲获得更多信息。

Wear a face covering

You must wear a face covering for the full duration of your journey on public transport in England, Scotland and Wales.了解有关特定豁免的更多信息。




Please see the relevant station accessibility section for more information.



我们正在努力安全开放零售单位in all of our stations. We hope to have all of your favourites available soon, but we will only reopen units when we are able to make sure we can adhere to social distancing guidance from the government. Our priority continues to be the safety of our passengers and retailer teams.


When reporting any security issues around the railway to a member of staff or the British Transport Police (BTP),please keep your distance。Follow Government advice on保持安全。You can also call or text BTP to report an issue. Call: 0800 40 50 40 / Text: 61016. In an emergency dial 999

我们的20个管理站 - 包括伯明翰新街曼彻斯特皮卡迪利爱丁堡Waverley格拉斯哥中央Leeds布里斯托尔寺米德斯and 11 in London – are Britain’s busiest and biggest stations.

We regularly upgrade stations – not just those we manage – to get the best for passengers. Dedicated站改善计划are a key part of our铁路升级计划。Our aim is to create destination stations that are accessible to everyone and allow for a safe and efficient flow of passengers even during busy travel times.


英国运输警察operate in all our stations and are here to police the Railway. For help call0.800 40 50 40(24小时),文本61016或与车站员工的成员交谈。在紧急呼叫中999。了解更多虽然你旅行时保持安全


London stations