Our vegetation management work is essential for safety, and we do everything we can to keep residents up to date

We need to manage vegetation next to the railway throughout the year to remove any safety risks while being sensitive to wildlife and the local environment.

We make it a priority to share information with our lineside neighbours so they know exactly what we’re doing, why, when and how it will affect them.

Why we manage vegetation next to the railway

When vegetation work will be taking place near to households by the railway, we aim to send letters to residents at least 10 days before we start, explaining the work we’ll be carrying out.

Meeting the project team

We may also invite lineside neighbours to a drop-in session to meet the project team and arborists, or tree surgeons as they’re also known, to get answers to any questions or concerns they might have.

Here’s an overview of a typical drop-in session:

  • Local residents can raise any concerns or ask questions about the work with the specific team that will be carrying it out.
  • 马航空摄影测量ps are available to help residents pinpoint exactly where their house is alongside the railway line and build a precise picture of what the work will mean for them.
  • Often there’ll be footage filmed from a train driver’s cab of the line where the work is taking place. Showing the line through the eyes of a train driver is a helpful way to demonstrate why vegetation work is so important for a safe and reliable railway.

Where drop in sessions are not available we will look to use other methods of communicatation to keep peopleinformed.

We’re always looking to improve how we communicate with local residents and other stakeholders when planning and carrying out vegetation management.Please get in touchif you have a question or concern about vegetation works taking place near you.