Theemployee networks通过国家和当地活动提供众所周大的建议,促进重要问题黑人历史月份在十月,骄傲月份in June and比赛平等周和LGBT +历史月in February.
Nick Radford是一名计划经理和Cando主席,我们的残疾人同事员工网络:“[员工网络]很重要,因为它们有可能在内部塑造网络铁路的文化和行为,而且还在外部在外部治疗亚搏彩票软件官网乘客。“
The employee networks help the company through initiatives including changes to policies to better support employees and collaborations with other employee networks to develop line manager training.
They also help inform diversity impact assessments. These are assessments Network Rail carries out when making any changes that may affect staff, as part of its public sector equality duty.

Nick said: “By trying to create a trusted space for discussing issues, networks can tap into the ideas of employees (disabled employees in our case) and help support management plan for and deliver effective change from within.”
What are our employee networks?
Archway, our employee network focused on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues, is looking forward to taking part in LGBT+ History Month and each summer is heavily involved with Pride Month nationally.

It has been在英国命名为顶级LGBT +员工网络改善LGBT人民的生活British LGBTA病房.
可以做is our network focused on support and guidance for disabled colleagues, helping those with physical or mental, or visible or non-visible impairments.
- it provides a voice for disabled employees to help drive real life changes within the business to better support disabled employees or our service to disabled passengers
- Cando为专业和社交网络提供论坛,以避免患有残疾(即我们并不孤单),避免孤立感,让人们更有信心。
- it also educates and raises awareness to lift taboos, stigmas or myths about disability and making people more comfortable to talk about it.

Nick said: “This creates an environment where people can be more comfortable about being themselves as work, feel supported if they need something and ultimately will help disabled employees perform to their best ability.”
Cultural Fusion
Cultural Fusionis our Black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) employee network. It recognises the benefits that a diverse workforce can bring and aims for this to be reflected at all levels within Network Rail.
Sharon Salmon, a commercial analyst at Network Rail and chair of Cultural Fusion, joined the network after feeling a need to effect positive change at the company. She believes personal and shared experiences can help foster a more open and inclusive working environment and says Cultural Fusion is “embracing differences to make a difference”.
One of Cultural Fusion’s objectives is to improve discussions surrounding promotion, retention and career progression, particularly regarding the representation of BAME employees.

启发supports women in all business areas of Network Rail to fulfill their potential. Each June,International Women in Engineering Dayhighlights the contribution of female engineers.
Network Rail employees take part in talks in across Britain focused on different levels of engineering experience, from junior to senior employees.