Carers Week – 10 to 16 June – aims to help carers feel connected.

据英国介绍,英国有650万名礼拜者Carers Week, looking after a friend or family member with a disability, physical illness or who needs more help in old age.


“I was going through a really difficult time. My dad had had a stroke and my mum had died suddenly so my sister and I became carers over night for our dad.”

Jackie Robb (pictured with her father), co-chair of Myriad, Network Rail’s employee network for carers, recalls when she found herself in need of support from colleagues.


“My line manager at the time had given me fantastic support and it was him who mentioned Myriad to me. I went along to the first meeting and realised that not all of Network Rail employees got the same support so I wanted to help where I could.”

Myriad is the network for employees with caring responsibilities.One of six employee networks at the company,它旨在支持护理人员,重视他们的工作并促进理解文化。成员分享经验并互相帮助导航网络铁路策略和外部支持机制。亚搏彩票软件官网

与杰基共同椅子的Ruth Thomas,在2014年推出后不久就加入了Myriadd。她说:“我自己是一个照顾者 - 我有两个自闭症儿童。一年后我看到了一个有机会帮助塑造网络铁路的发展支持的机会,我参与了领导力。“亚搏彩票软件官网

Today the network has more than 180 members and hopes to increase awareness of its work to more employees. Jackie said: “We have no particular figure in mind but we know there must be more carers at Network Rail.”

One in eight adults in the UK is a carer, according to charity Carers UK. That’s about 6.5 million people – a figure expected to rise to nine million by 2037. Every day another 6,000 people take on a caring responsibility – equivalent to more than two million people a year.

Ruth (pictured with her youngest son) and Jackie balance their commitments to Myriad against their caring responsibilities and full-time jobs.






Among Myriad’s biggest achievements to date is input to 11 different diversity impact assessments in one year. These are assessments Network Rail carries out when making any changes that may affect staff, as part of its public sector equality duty.

Consulting with the employee networks is one of the things people completing such assessments can do to make sure they haven’t overlooked impacts on people with so-called protected characteristics, which include carers for disabled people.




Myriad also took part in Everyone Week from 1 to 5 October last year. The Network Rail event showcases and celebrates diversity, providing an opportunity to raise awareness about relevance of diversity and inclusion to everyone at the company.


How we’re making a difference in diversity and inclusion

