Useful documents for passenger and freight train operators

We operate, maintain and improve Britain’s railway infrastructure, placing rail users and passenger train operators at the heart of what we do.

Here you’ll find the key documents to guide you through how we do business with our customers, which include both existing and potential operators of train services. Approaches are welcomed equally from:

  • potential newpassenger train operators(TOC) applying for open access
  • existing holders of track access rights, in relation to new passenger track access contracts or amendment of existing track access contracts
  • prospective franchisees in relation to franchise replacement and franchise extension.

Our key contacts for the rail industry

We support theDepartment for Transport (DfT)in clarifying the outputs required of passenger train franchises, collaborating in planning and providing information for developing and evaluating bids and associated contracts. If a potential operator identifies a new market for train services not currently served by a franchise, they can apply to us for open access rights to run those trains.

Find out how we’retransforming to create more focus on our customers, train and freight operating companies

Our Network Statement provides all current and potential train operators wishing to operate train services on our infrastructure with a single source of relevant information on a fair and non-discriminatory basis.

Click here for more information and to view the Network Statement in full

TheNetwork Codeis a set of contractual rules incorporated into each track access agreement between Network Rail and all train operators. It covers those areas where all parties are obliged to work together to the same standards and timescales. This includes such areas as:

  • Developing the timetable
  • Making changes to the network or to vehicles
  • Environmental protection
  • Standards ofperformancemonitoring
  • Resolving contractual disputes
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Any new operators on the network will also need to sign up to the Network Code.

All passenger and freight train operators (FOC) who want to use to our network require a track access contract. Our customer teams dealing with each train operator lead the contractual negotiations and the sale of access rights with train operators on the contracts.

More information and all sale of access rights documents

This section contains documents and links in relation to the management of congested infrastructure, inclusive of the Code of Practice (PDF) which sets out the principles and procedures that we follow in identifying and managing congested infrastructure pursuant to The Railways (Access Management and Licensing of Railway Undertakings) Regulations 2016. We have also included a register of declared congested infrastructure as referenced within the Network Statement.

Reading to Gatwick via Redhill 2006

Midland Mainline (Leicester to Cricklewood via Market Harborough and Corby) 2014

Castlefield Corridor 2019

West Coast Main Line 2020

To encourage third-party investment in the network, we have a suite of template agreements for enhancement projects that have been developed and revised following extensive consultation with industry, customers and stakeholders.

There's more information in our guideInvesting in the Network, part of our stakeholder code of practice.

The current access charges for 2014-2019 (Control Period 5, CP5) apply until 31 March 2019. Price lists are consistent with the Office of Rail and Road’s (ORR) Final Determination, and are referenced in track and station access contracts.

To view all CP5 access charges and associated documents, click here

The current access charges for 2019-2024 (Control Period 6, CP6) apply until 31 March 2024. Price lists are consistent with the Office of Rail and Road’s (ORR) Final Determination and are referenced in track and station access contracts.

To view all CP6 access charges and associated documents, click here

This page contains our publications related to access charges, including responses and conclusions for relevant consultations for PR13. It also includes our responses to Office of Rail and Road's (ORR) PR13 publications.

To view all PR13 associated documents, click here

This page contains our publications related to access charges, including responses and conclusions for relevant consultations for PR18. It also includes our responses to Office of Rail and Road's (ORR) PR18 publications.

To view all PR18 associated documents, click here

In April 2010 some operators moved to metered electricity billing, also known as on-train metering (OTM), which means their charges are no longer based on modelled consumption rates, but instead are based on actual metered usage.

To view all published documentation related to on-train metering and the traction electricity rules, click here

Track access documents

Passenger track access for existing train operators
211 KB
Passenger track access for new and potential train operators
185 KB
Freight/charter track access for existing train operators
82 KB
Freight/charter track access for new or potential train operators
111 KB

Information for operators – other related documents

Getting access to stations managed by Network Rail
95 KB
The railway systems code of practice
183 KB
Supplying works, services or products to Network Rail
189 KB
Freight connection contracts
187 KB
Introducing new vehicles or changes to vehicles
221 KB