
Each challenge statement details a specific business obstacle and provides detail on definition, root cause analysis, priority areas of focus and a section outlining guidance for研究与开发


We will continue to add detail and further challenge statements.

Next steps

如果你认为你有一个解决方案或一个想法,you would like to speak to us about then please fill in the研究与开发challenge form(docx)并通过电子邮件发送给它R&D@networkrail.co.uk



  • potential funding – limited amounts available from Network Rail
  • data provisions to help develop your product
  • 从事工程师的机会和寻求投入和专业知识
  • introductions to our test facilityRail Innovation & Development Centresor support in identifying appropriate test locations along the routes
  • support in obtaining external funding opportunities
  • support with any Network Rail processes – in particular产品验收
  • honest and open commercial conversations
  • knowledge and understanding of our Rail Industry Readiness Levels (RIRLs) to facilitate your product development and support preparation for implementation.

We are very eager to work with the供应链和中小企业(中小企业)to assist in the development of ideas, products and challenges. We are keen to open up commercial conversations anywhere possible, as well as direct to other external funding opportunities.

Network Rail actively encourages suppliers and stakeholders to proactively challenge our standards to increase innovation and creativity and to reduce costs. If your proposal directly addresses a Network Rail standard, please complete astandard change application form

Find out more

Information is a strategically critical resource, a corporate asset that is vital to our future and the future of ourindustry partners。我们的telecommunications networkshould serve the communication requirements of all rail industry customers.

  1. Data – Data quality, confidence and assurance (PDF)

中方通过ldings and Civils assets within Network Rail comprisebridges, tunnels, earthworks, station buildings, drainage, risks from mine workings and much more. They are a rich and diverse asset group with an average age of greater than 100 years. They are frequently heterogeneous, complex, safety critical, listed and have extremely high impact of failure.

  1. 桥梁 - 建立隐藏关键要素的条件(PDF)
  2. Bridges – Scour prevention and management (PDF)
  3. 桥梁 - 租赁拱门(PDF)
  4. 建筑物 - 提供一种安全有效的方法,以实现建筑立面检查,而不会影响环境的操作(PDF)
  5. 中方通过ldings and Architecture – Extending the Life of an Existing Footbridge Asset for 10 years Within an 8 Hour Working Period (PDF)
  6. 中方通过ldings and Architecture – Provide a Safe and Efficient Method to Enable Non Destructive Testing of Hidden Metallic Standalone Column (PDF)
  7. 中方通过ldings and Architecture – Self-maintaining Materials (PDF)
  8. 中方通过ldings and Architecture – Transferring Customers Across Tracks (PDF)
  9. 中方通过ldings and Architecture – Surface Condensation Reducing Slip Resistance (PDF)
  10. Bridges – Preventing bridge strikes (PDF)
  11. Structures – Health monitoring and prognosis (PDF)
  12. 排水 - 有效且有效的排水干预(PDF)
  13. Drainage – Improving drainage asset management decision making (PDF)
  14. 排水 - 提高排水系统性能(PDF)
  15. Drainage – Safe and efficient drainage inspections and monitoring (PDF)
  16. Drainage – Understanding drainage system capability (PDF)
  17. Earthworks – Detection of asset failure by means other than train drivers (PDF)
  18. Tunnels – Alternative methods for patch repairs in tunnels (PDF)
  19. Tunnels – Capability assessment tool for tunnel masonry linings (PDF)
  20. Tunnels – High output tunnel repairs and enlargement (PDF)
  21. 挖掘 - 浅采矿风险缓解(PDF)
  22. 采矿 - 采矿地面调查(PDF)

Electrification and plant (E&P) encompasses the overhead catenary (wires) system with associated distribution equipment from the national grid (electrification). The plant part is stand by signalling, point heating and pumps among other assets.

  1. Electrical safety (PDF)
  2. 电源– Intelligent assets and condition monitoring (PDF)
  3. 电源– Smarter, more efficient electrification (PDF)

APP亚博娱乐 means making sure that everything we build, manage service or develop today leaves a lasting positive legacy for future generations with the impact on theenvironmentandsocietyat the forefront of all decisions. We believe that good management of our economic, social and environmental impacts is key to maintaining a strong and prosperous business.

  1. 环境 - 改善植被管理决策(PDF)
  2. Environment – Implementing energy reduction activities to reduce our carbon impact (PDF)
  3. Environment – Using large-scale renewable developments to enable decentralised supply to the rail infrastructure (PDF)
  4. 环境 - 通过气候变化(PDF),适应铁路以改善对抗未来天气条件的抵御
  5. Reducing the number of Tresspass Incidents and their impact on the railway


  1. 级别过境 - 防止事件或在由于行为(PDF)引起的跨越横跨的事件(PDF)


  1. 维护– Enabling transition to predict and prevent maintenance regimes (PDF)
  2. Unknown Asset Usage & Condition(PDF)
  3. Access, Set Up, Pack Up & Possessions(PDF)
  4. 维护减少可用性(PDF)
  5. Robotics – Automating inspection and maintenance activities (PDF)


  1. Plant – Plant strikes (PDF)
  2. Plant – Understanding plant better and improving fitness for purpose (PDF)