Asset protection and optimisation (ASPRO)
When working with us, third parties can expect to see better working practices, streamlined and consistent processes, and a slicker, less bureaucratic structure under a more consistent framework.
Officially Europe’s safest railway, it falls to ourasset protection and optimisation (ASPRO)队伍,以确保在铁路或附近的任何工作安全地完成任何工作以及正确的标准。然而,这些标准和实践有时意味着第三方难以提供铁路项目。认识到这一点,我们正在为我们的Aspro组织工作方式实施一些改革,这将破坏障碍,并使其他组织更容易投资并在铁路上建立。
为了提高我们的Aspro团队中的专业能力,保证和驱动一致性,已经创建了一个新的全国专业人士的Aspro角色。Mona Sihota已被任命为该作用,带来了近30年的铁路经验,跨越设计,建筑和资产管理。
This newly created position capitalises on Mona’s previous experience as professional head of drainage to now include off-track (lineside, vegetation and boundaries) and ASPRO, as there are significant synergies between the areas of responsibility.
亚搏彩票软件官网网络铁路致力于一系列服务级别义务,这将使第三方更容易在铁路或附近提供工作。我们已经致力于许多内部团队和行业同事,并参加了由Amey PLC的特殊咨询能力领导的行业咨询,并制定了我们的客户和其他人可以持有账户的Aspro服务水平。这导致了一系列的服务级别义务,比建议更远Hansford Review. By having service level obligations in place, third party promoters of projects on the railway can know what to expect from Network Rail’s service and when to expect it by.
These service level obligations have been agreed with the ORR and are set out in the revised asset protection agreement (APA) and basic asset protection agreement (BAPA), the documents that guide how we work with third parties to enable them to deliver enhancements to the railway. These documents can be found on the下载第三方页面.
Service level | 成功的衡量标准 | 我们的承诺 |
响应初始联系 | Within five working days of initial contact | 在五个工作日内以相关联系方式响应初始联系以支持工作 |
次要接触日期 | 在初始联系的15个工作日内 | Secondary contact within 15 working days of initial contact. Network Rail to engage with external party to commence exploration of their requirements at an appropriate level of expertise |
Design submission date ASPRO response | Within 25 working days of receipt | 将任何设计数据返回到收据的25个工作日内在关键路径上 |
ASPRO final response to programme received | Within 10 working days of receipt of implementation programme or information | 审查实施计划并向客户提供评论 |
日期Aspro知情客户占有 | Within 20 working days of completion of consultation on proposed possession plan | 以书面形式确认,已获得相关财产,并在完成拟议占有计划磋商后的20个工作日内的20个工作日内获得的详细信息 |
Customer satisfaction surveys
To ensure we're making the right changes, we've started conducting customer satisfaction surveys with third parties we work with and have committed to regularly reporting on the results.The results from our latest customer satisfaction survey can be found on our downloads for third parties page.
Case study – Quicker access to sites for our customers

Clarifying risk
我们已经看了41个单独的风险,可能导致铁路上的项目,延迟或额外成本,并分析网络轨道可以拥有这种风险的所有权,或者清除谁将覆盖谁。亚搏彩票软件官网已经建立了一个“行业风险基金”,以使网络铁路能够在项目遇到某些不可预见的行业相关问题时采取风险和基金负债。亚搏彩票软件官网The default risk allocation table is available from our downloads for third parties pageand details each potential risk and who is responsible for it – Network Rail, the industry risk fund, the sponsoring customer or the enhancement contractor.
Consulting with the rail industry – revised asset protection agreements
为了提供建议Hansford Review,我们与更广泛的铁路行业合作,重新评估我们与希望在铁路或附近建造的其他组织的工作,并简化了流程,使其更容易与我们合作。因此,我们需要修改第三方资产保护协议(APAS)和基本资产保护协议(BAPAS),以便反映Hansford的建议。我们制定了与铁路行业进行磋商草案,以便为挑战这些变化是否充分讨论了该建议的协议。咨询过程于6次关闭thMay 2019. We then thoroughly reviewed all the comments received and undertook a further revision of the agreements to reflect all valid suggestions.