
They have been developed and revised following extensive consultation with industry, customers and stakeholders.

They’re aimed at reducing the need for time-consuming negotiations on contractual arrangements for each scheme, providing transparency on payments to Network Rail. We strive to find solutions that reduce barriers to entry through the provision of a more economic and efficient contractual framework.


You can find more information in our guideInvesting in the railway,我们的部分利益攸关方的实践准则。


Guide to Template Agreements for Undertaking Railway projects
230 kB.

亚搏彩票软件官网网络轨道交付服务 - 预防4/5

Basic Services Agreement – Detailed Guidance
61 KB.
基本服务协议 - 模板
126 KB.
Development Services Agreement – Detailed Guidance
63 KB
开发服务协议 - 模板
253 KB.

Customer Delivery of Services or Works


Basic Asset Protection Agreement – Template
254 KB.
Asset Protection Agreement – Template
547 KB.
94 KB.
101 KB

Network Rail Delivery of Works – post GRIP 4/5

基本实施协议新兴成本 - 详细指导
78 KB.
Basic Implementation Agreement Emerging Cost – Template
162 KB
Basic Implementation Agreement Fixed Price – Detailed Guidance
66 KB.
Basic Implementation Agreement Fixed Price – Template
231 KB.
Implementation Agreement Emerging Cost – Detailed Guidance
82 KB.
实施协议新兴成本 - 模板
315 KB.
实施协议固定价格 - 详细指导
74 KB
Implementation Agreement Fixed Price – Template
467 KB





基本服务协议(BSA) 基本资产保护协议(BAPA) 资产保护协议(APA) Development services agreement (DSA) 基本实施协议新兴成本。(比亚:EC)
Previous Network Rail fee 5% 10% 10% 5% 5%
NEW Network Rail fee 1% 5% 7.50% 1% 2.50%

Industry risk fee

基本服务协议(BSA) 基本资产保护协议(BAPA) 资产保护协议(APA) Development services agreement (DSA) 基本实施协议新兴成本。(比亚:EC)
以前的行业风险费 0% 2% 2% 2% 2%
NEW industry risk fee 0% 1% 1% 1% 1%


Network Rail standards

Catalogue of Network Rail Standards
2 MB
Issue 119
712 KB.
Issue 1
934 KB
Guidance for completing the Standards Challenge Application
292 KB
Standards Challenge Form
48 KB
Standards challenged to date – March 2021
308 KB.
Accessing Network Rail standards for contractors and suppliers
114 KB

Investing and building on or near the railway

Investing in the railway
14 MB
Open for Business supporting information for pilot contestable projects
508 KB
默认风险分配表 - 第三方协议
76 KB.
Network Rail Service Level Obligations for Third Party Asset Protection Agreements February 2019 Pending ORR Approval
119 KB
资产保护与优化 - 客户满意度 - Q3 2020
259 KB.
Asset protection and optimisation – service levels – Q3 2020
258 KB.
Outside Party Basic Asset Protection Agreement – Template
198 KB


251 KB

Opportunities for third parties

Open for Business supporting information for pilot contestable projects
508 KB
How to reuse railway telecoms assets
439 KB