
In July 2013, we appointed Steer Davies Gleave to review our spreadsheets that calculate the charges for Control Period 5 (1 April 2014 to 31 March 2019), and the spreadsheets used to determine the Network Rail Schedule 8 benchmarks in CP5.

STEER DAVIES GLEAVE审查了电子表格,用于计算和适用性的正确性。最终报告可在下面的链接中获得。

Steer Davies Gleave final report – Review of income and Schedule 8 benchmark models (PDF, October 2013)

Capacity charge

能力允许我们恢复additiona收费l costs beyond the Schedule 8 baseline due to the increased difficulty of recovering from incidents of lateness as the network becomes more crowded. Therefore, the charge helps neutralise the increased Schedule 8 risk to Network Rail of accommodating additional traffic.

This is a regulated charge which is approved and fixed by ORR at each periodic review for the forthcoming control period.

Capacity charge consultation (closed 9 September 2012)

Consultation on the capacity charge (July 2012)
219 KB.
Preliminary conclusions (September 2012)
33 KB
Conclusions on the capacity charge and draft pricelists (April 2013)
421 KB


AECOM (September 2012)
177 KB
Alliance Rail Holdings (September 2012)
73 KB
Centro (September 2012)
72 KB
DB Schenker (September 2012)
4 MB.
Direct Rail Services Limited (September 2012)
42 KB
GB Railfreight (September 2012)
40 KB
John Haith (September 2012)
96 KB
65 KB.
Rail Freight Group (September 2012)
27 KB
91 KB
Transport for London (September 2012)
53 KB.
59 KB
Welsh Government (September 2012)
33 KB
Arup final report – Recalibrating the capacity charge for CP5 (May 2013)
2 MB
Arup summary of QA procedures (October 2013)
95 KB
FTI Consulting – Review of the econometric work underpinning the capacity charge (September 2013)
138 KB
On 25 September 2013 FTI consulting presented its findings of its review of the econometric work underpinning the capacity charge.


煤溢出电荷(CSC)和煤溢出投资收费(CSC)是作为2008年定期审查(PR08)的一部分所介绍的货运特定轨道存取费用。这两个费用都征收了货车运输煤炭变量使用费的标记,并等同于网络轨道总收入的约10%亚搏彩票软件官网freight operators.

The coal spillage charge recovers the cost impact of coal spillage on the network, and the coal spillage reduction investment charge finances a fund that can be used to invest in equipment at coal terminals in order to reduce coal spillage on the network.

Coal spillage charge and the coal spillage reduction investment charge (closed 8 February 2013)

Coal spillage charge and the coal spillage reduction investment charge consultation (December 2012)
213 KB
Network Rail presentation slides for CSC and CSRIC consultation (January 2013)
86 KB
On 11 January 2013 we presented an overview of the variable usage charge consultation to stakeholders at the monthly variable track access charges developments meeting.
Arup review of coal spillage charge (April 2013)
Following the publication of our consultation, ORR and Network Rail commissioned the independent reporter, Arup, to review the methodology and assumptions used to calculate our initial estimate of the cost impact of coal spillage on the network.
CSC and CSRIC – conclusions (April 2013)
208 KB.


45 KB
11 KB.
DB Schenker (February 2013)
4 MB.
Drax Power Limited(2013年2月)
55 KB
137 KB.
GB Railfreight (February 2013)
29 KB

Fixed track access charges

Fixed track access charges (FTAC) are payable by franchised passenger operators and recover our net revenue requirement. The net revenue requirement is the revenue required to run our business, after accounting for the income we expect to receive from charges, other single till income and the network grant.

Fixed track access charges consultation (closed 11 January 2013)

229 KB.
Fixed track access charges conclusions and draft pricelists (March 2013)
191 KB

Fixed track access charges consultation responses

First Group (January 2013)
107 KB
Go-Ahead (January 2013)
345 KB
21 KB
PTEG (January 2013)
115 KB.
Transport for London (January 2013)
113 KB
Transport Scotland (January 2013)
38 KB

Freight specific charge

In May 2012the Office for Rail and Road (ORR, then the Office of Rail Regulation) consulted on introducing a new freight-specific chargethat would recover freight avoidable costs that are not currently recovered through existing track access charges.

In itsJanuary 2013 decision document, the ORR decided that it would introduce this new charge during Control Period 5 on certain rail freight market segments. It also stated that it would make a decision on whether to levy a freight specific charge on biomass, andconsulted on its proposalsto do so.

In its conclusion document the ORR requested that we consult on the phasing in of the freight specific charge during Control Period 5. We do this in this consultation. In addition, we discuss the following issues:

  • 在平均货运变量使用费用上提出帽子
  • Updating our freight avoidable cost estimate
  • Remedying the spent nuclear fuel charge rate error
  • Updating our freight-only line cost estimate
  • The interaction between the freight-only line charge and the freight specific charge

Freight specific charge and other issues consultation (closed 1 March 2013)

Consultation on the phasing in of the freight-specific charge and other issues
90 KB
74 KB
On 14 February 2013 we presented an overview of the variable usage charge consultation to stakeholders at the monthly variable track access charges developments meeting.
Conclusions on the phasing in of the freight specific charge and other issues (April 2013)
134 KB

Freight specific charge and other issues consultation responses

ATH (March 2013)
704 KB
CoalImp (March 2013)
25 KB
CoalPro (March 2013)
70 KB
Direct Rail Services (March 2013)
59 KB
Fergusson Group (March 2013)
15 KB
Freight Transport Association (March 2013)
65 KB.
Freightliner (March 2013)
142 KB
GB Railfreight (March 2013)
26 KB
London Overground (March 2013)
62 KB
Rail Freight Group (March 2013)
15 KB
Transport Scotland (March 2013)
81 KB.

Freight specific charge reviews

LEK report – Estimating freight avoidable costs (October 2012)
654 KB
To inform the ORR's decision on the freight specific charge, we commissioned LEK Consulting (LEK) to estimate and allocate freight avoidable costs between freight market segments. Freight avoidable costs are defined as the long-run average annual cost saving that would result from removing commercial freight traffic from the network on a permanent basis.
LEK报告摘要 - 估算货运可避免费用(2012年10月)
116 KB
LEK updated report – Estimating freight avoidable costs (May 2013)
782 KB
Arup review of LEK report to estimate freight avoidable costs (November 2012)
182 KB
ORR and Network Rail appointed the independent reporter Arup to review key aspects of LEK’s estimate of freight avoidable costs.
Network Rail response – letter on LEK report on freight avoidable costs (June 2013)
61 KB
In May 2013, the Rail Freight Operators’ Association wrote to the ORR and Network Rail regarding LEK’s report on freight avoidable costs.

Schedules 4 and 8

Schedule 4 of thetrack accesscontracts between Network Rail andtrain operators设定了阿兰gements for compensation paid to operators when Network Rail takes possession of the network.

The Schedule 8 performance regime is designed to compensate train operators for the financial impact of poor performance attributable to Network Rail and other train operators by ensuring the financial impact of performance on revenue and/or costs is incurred by the organisation the disruption is attributable to.

Schedule 8 benchmarks for CP5 consultation (closed 20 September 2013)

Schedule 8 benchmarks consultation letter (August 2013)
867 KB
For confidentiality reasons, we will not publish responses to this consultation.
Schedule 8 benchmarks conclusions letter (October 2013)

Schedule 8 benchmark principles for CP5 consultation (closed 29 May 2013)

Schedule 8 benchmarks principles consultation letter (May 2013)
76 KB.
Schedule 8 benchmarks principles conclusions letter (June 2013)
91 KB

附表8 CP5咨询的基准原则(2013年5月29日关闭) - 回复

ATOC response (June 2013)
49 KB
East Midlands Trains response (June 2013)
35 KB.
First Group response (June 2013)
118 KB
Freightliner response (June 2013)
19 KB
GB Railfreight response (June 2013)
335 KB
Greater Anglia response (June 2013)
73 KB
Northern Rail response (June 2013)
53 KB.
TfL and LOROL response (June 2013)
47 KB
Transport Scotland response (June 2013)
105 KB.
Virgin Trains response (June 2013)
30 KB

Schedule 8 compensation payment rates in CP5 consultation (closed 11 June 2013)

Schedule 8 compensation payment rates consultation letter (May 2013)
98 KB
Schedule 8 compensation payment rates conclusions (June 2013)
74 KB

Schedule 8 compensation payment rates – responses

ATOC (June 2013)
40 KB
19 KB
DfT (June 2013)
843 KB
45 KB
First Great Western (June 2013)
49 KB
GB Railfreight (June 2013)
73 KB
Go-Ahead (June 2013)
86 KB
Northern Rail and Greater Anglia (June 2013)
55 KB
49 KB
Transport Scotland (June 2013)
40 KB

Compensation for cancelled Type 1 possessions consultation (closed 08 July 2013)

Network Rail consultation on compensation for cancelled Type 1 possessions (June 2013)
132 KB
48 KB

Station charges

The station long-term charge allows us to recover the efficient maintenance, renewal and repair costs associated with the stations we own.

This is a regulated charge which is approved and fixed by ORR at each periodic review for the forthcoming control period.

Station long term charge consultation (closed 16 November 2012)

Station long term charge consultation (September 2012)
112 KB
Station long term charge conclusion (January 2013)
49 KB
Cover note for draft price lists (April 2013)
53 KB.
35 KB.
LTC draft price list – franchised stations (April 2013)
439 KB
LTC draft price list – managed stations (April 2013)
25 KB

Station long term charge consultation responses

30 KB
ATOC (November 2012)
25 KB
East Coast Main Line Company (November 2012)
132 KB
First Capital Connect (November 2012)
2 MB
29 KB
First Group (November 2012)
167 KB
Go-Ahead (November 2012)
83 KB
Merseyrail (November 2012)
43 KB
55 KB
Transport Scotland (November 2012)
61 KB



Charter operators consultation (closed 9 July 2013)

租船运营商的指控结构in CP5 – consultation (June 2013)
96 KB
租船运营商的指控结构in CP5 – conclusions (August 2013)
120 KB
Network Rail's revised proposal for EC4T and confirmation of the proposed treatment of light locomotive movements in CP5 (October 2013)
66 KB
In our August 2013 conclusions document we stated that we would further consider EC4T charges and charging for light locomotive movements for charter operators. This document sets out our proposals in relation to these.
Network Rail response (September 2013)
75 KB
On 23 August 2013, the ORR published its draft conclusions document regarding the structure of charges for charter operators in CP5.

Charter operators consultation responses

DB Schenker (July 2013)
2 MB
Direct Rail Services (July 2013)
164 KB
21 KB
170 KB


As part of the ORR’s October 2013 consultation on implementing the EC4T cost reconciliation, Network Rail issued a note which suggested changes to the legal drafting. This is available atwww.rail-reg.gov.uk(ORR的网站)。


EC4T cost reconciliation – clarification note (December 2013)
54 KB.
In December 2013, Network Rail issued a clarification note which sets out some updated legal drafting.
Letter to charter operators – methodology for calculating traction electricity tariffs for charter operators in CP5 (January 2014)
145 KB
In January 2014, we wrote to charter operators setting out the proposed methodology to calculate a rate for their use of EC4T.

牵引用电及电气化资产使用费全面咨询(closed 12 October 2012)

Around 50 per cent of traffic operated on the GB rail network is electrically powered. Traction electricity charges recover the costs of electricity supplied by us to train operators for their use of traction electricity. Electrification asset usage charges recover the variable costs of maintaining and renewing electrification assets.

These are regulated charges which are approved and fixed by ORR at each periodic review for the forthcoming control period.


88 KB.
Full consultation (September 2012)
253 KB.
Updated: Estimate of AC losses report (January 2013)
114 KB
Conclusions document and draft pricelists (February 2013)
288 KB.
EAUC conclusions – presentation to TESG (February 2013)
235 KB
56 KB

牵引电and electrification asset charges consultation responses

67 KB
DB Schenker(2012年10月)
47 KB
DRS (October 2012)
29 KB
First Capital Connect and First ScotRail (October 2012)
582 KB
Freightliner (October 2012)
162 KB.
Go-Ahead (October 2012)
185 KB.
Porterbrook (October 2012)
43 KB
61 KB
Transport for London (October 2012)
55 KB
Transport Scotland (October 2012)
37 KB

DC losses consultation (closed 6 December 2012)

更新:DC损耗估计 - 电力供应关税区分析(2013年1月)
158 KB
Estimate of DC losses – Electricity supply tariff area analysis (November 2012)
153 KB
Treatment of regenerative braking for metered operators on the DC network (November 2012)
83 KB
DC Losses consultation – cover letter (November 2012)
56 KB

DC losses consultation responses

ATOC (December 2012)
72 KB
First Group (December 2012)
Go-Ahead (December 2012)
88 KB.
Passenger Focus (December 2012)
67 KB
Porterbrook (December 2012)
52 KB
South West Trains (December 2012)
52 KB
Transport for London (December 2012)
46 KB.
Transport Scotland (December 2012)
16 KB


可变使用费are designed to recover our operating, maintenance and renewal costs that vary with traffic.

The charges ensure that we recover the wear and tear costs that result from additional traffic on the British rail network. These are regulated charges which are approved and fixed by the ORR at each periodic review for the forthcoming control period.

Variable usage charge consultation (closed 11 January 2013)


Variable usage charge consultation

Variable usage charge consultation (December 2012)
746 KB.
Vehicle characteristics spreadsheet (December 2012)
780 KB
821 KB
Serco final report (December 2012)
773 KB
101 KB
On 11 January 2013 we presented an overview of the Variable Usage Charge consultation to stakeholders at the monthly variable track access charges (VTAC) developments meeting

Variable usage charge consultation responses

ATOC (February 2013)
40 KB
92 KB
Department for Transport (February 2013)
29 KB
Direct Rail Services (February 2013)
60 KB
First Group (February 2013)
18 KB
Freight Transport Association (February 2013)
64 KB
226 KB
43 KB
GB Railfreight (February 2013)
32 KB
47 KB
Transport Scotland (February 2013)
30 KB
Virgin Trains (February 2013)
54 KB.

Other variable usage charge documents

663 KB
Vehicle characteristics spreadsheet – updated following consultation (April 2013)
851 KB
SERCO最终报告 - 在咨询后更新(2013年4月)
667 KB
Network Rail presentation slides for Variable Usage Charge (May 2013)
99 KB.
Network Rail presentation slides for Variable Usage Charge (May 2013)
ORR letter – Preparing CP5 price lists for the variable usage charge (April 2013)
162 KB.
Network Rail response to ORR letter (May 2013)
599 KB
Network Rail presentation on Horizontal rail forces methodology (August 2012)
129 KB
Network Rail presentation on progress update (September 2012)
186 KB
Serco VTISM研讨会(201年12月的幻灯片2)
3 MB
On 7 December 2012 we held a Vehicle Track Interaction Strategic Model (VTISM) workshop where Serco gave an overview of VTISM and held a tutorial
Letter to the ORR (December 2012)
94 KB
Letter to the ORR (December 2012)
97 KB
We also wrote to the ORR to set out in more detail our ‘top down’ cost variability assumptions
CIRIA report – Masonry arch bridges – condition appraisal and remedial treatment (2006)
230 kB.
Mott MacDonald report – Spandrel Walls – Managing the Risks (March 2012)
8 MB
RSSB报告 - 铁路交通对堤防稳定的影响(2011年3月)
10 MB

Freight caps consultation (closed 27 January 2012)

We issued this consultation to inform the ORR’s decision in relation to placing an early cap on freight variable usage charges. The costs estimates provided in these documents inform the variable usage charge consultation.

Freight caps consultation

Freight caps consultation letter (November 2011)
120 KB
Freight caps conclusions letter (March 2012)
178 KB
548 KB
Freight caps industry letter (September 2011)
270 KB


144 KB
Direct Rail Services (January 2012)
28 KB
Rail Freight Group (January 2012)
24 KB.
GB Railfreight (January 2012)
36 KB
Freight Transport Association (January 2012)
63 KB
Annex to DB Schenker consultation response (January 2012)
34 KB.
DB Schenker (January 2012)
4 MB.


暂停因素咨询letter (March 2012)
73 KB
暂停因素 - 最终提案(2012年8月)
94 KB
2 MB
RFCpro user guide (November 2012)


DRS (March 2012)
416 KB
88 KB.
DBS (March 2012)
682 KB
Freightliner (March 2012)
233 KB
218 KB
GB Railfreight (March 2012)
47 KB
Colas Rail (March 2012)
46 KB.