

Network Rail offers a range of connectivity services to telecoms operators, internet service providers and local government seeking to deliver gigabit-capable broadband to businesses and local communities or to improve passengers’ connectivity.


Our Trackside Connect Services provide large capacity bandwidth solutions which can support the expansion of local broadband networks. They allow interested parties to access robust and diverse connections and backhaul solutions with ultra-low latency, right across the Northern Powerhouse region.



Map showing connectivity points along Northern Powerhouse region



Why you should trust us

Here are just a few of the reasons why you should trust us for connectivity services:

  • 我们是英国最大的电信网提供商之一。
  • We operate a fair and supportive working model which gives customers control and flexibility.
  • We provide full, transparent whole-life prices upfront.
  • 我们的流程易于遵循。


  • 近完美可用性 - 网络轨道光纤网络提供> 99.9999亚搏彩票软件官网%可用性
  • Experience and skills – Our team has the experience and skills necessary to provide you with the services you need


For more information please take a look at our brochure, or contact:TracksideConnectServices@networkrail.co.uk

Our fibre has been funded by the Department for Digital, Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) as part of their本地完整光纤网络(LFFN)程序

这个项目的目的是刺激商业investment in full fibre networks in both rural and urban locations across the whole of the UK. Funding for the programme is drawn from the National Productivity Investment Fund which has been allocated to DCMS.

Connecting people with improved passenger connectivity

