Although Network Rail owns and operates Britain's railway, we believe we shouldn't be the only organisation that can build on it.
为了支持这种方法,我们致力于定期更新机会和项目其他组织可以资助的文件。如何在我们的列表和过程管理的详细信息opportunities for third parties page。
帮助其他组织参与铁路项目,我们正在介绍竞争性的概念- 将项目推出到市场供其他组织提供。
In doing so, we believe this could bring more innovation and creativity to the railway industry, increased value for money for the tax-payer and better benchmarking data to assess how we're performing.
“Contestable projects are funded projects that can be delivered by parties other than Network Rail, where it is safe to do so. This is different to the normal contracting process because some elements of the delivery manager role, currently delivered by Network Rail’s capital works delivery teams, will be offered to the market as part of the contract. In addition, the contract will be based, where appropriate, on outcomes and performance-based requirements. These non-Network Rail parties will be able to compete for and deliver renewal and enhancement schemes. The aim is to increase rail sector innovation and efficiency through minimising barriers to delivery, developing the industry supply chain and encouraging a multiplicity of suppliers。”

We have published a document withinformation to support the roll out of our pilot contestable projects。It contains high level information for third parties interested in delivering Network Rail contestable work.
Read为试点竞争项目开放业务支持信息发现在这边第三方的机会page。Since 2018, when this document was published, Network Rail has changed organisationally and, while the principles remain the same, contestable projects can be delivered within the regions rather than just being route led.
案例研究 - 斯托克维护交付单位(MDU)
Many of the smaller infrastructure projects we carry out can be delivered in a way that does not impact the operational railway. Known as ‘high street' projects, they are often fairly simple office buildings and depots like at Stoke MDU. By reviewing our approach to procurement and standards, we’ve been able to open-up to new suppliers and businesses who wouldn’t normally get to work with directly with us on these types of projects.
The new design, from contractor Cleshar, uses a low carbon material called Structural Insulated Panels (SIPs) which is much cheaper, greener, and quicker to install. SIPs are often used in the wider construction industry but are not commonly used within Network Rail.

A team of dedicated business development directors has been put in place on each of our routes to ensure we have people with the right skills to work collaboratively with businesses, local authorities and other public sector bodies to bring in new sources of funding to the railway. You cancontact your local business development director如果您想了解有关特定项目的更多信息,或我们在开放业务的工作。