July 2017
亚搏彩票软件官网网络铁路是最终负责出版ic for the safety and operation of the vast majority of the rail network in Britain. But that should not mean that Network Rail is the only body that can build or renew infrastructure on or around the railway.We recognise the power of competition to drive efficiency, creativity and innovation.
That is why, in December 2016, we commissioned Professor Peter Hansford, former Chief Construction Advisor to the UK Government, to carry out a review into the barriers that prevent third parties building on, and potentially investing in, our railways. Professor Hansford and his review team consulted with over 150 individuals and organisations.
Our message to the industry is that Network Rail is open for business.
These actions will support our ambition to transform into a more customer-focussed organisation and, most importantly, change the way the rail industry operates to deliver the high performing, cost efficient railway that Britain’s future depends on.
2. Network Rail is open for business
There will therefore be opportunities for activities to be directly competed in the market. The devolved businesses will publish a pipeline of such opportunities by the end of 2017. CP6 will be built with contestability at its core. The intent will be that projects listed would still be at an early stage of development (but when required outputs are clear) to allow the maximum degree of creativity and innovation.
The Hansford Review makes clear that the current asset protection arrangements, template agreements and guidelines on risk transfer in Network Rail impede this sort of activity and, as explained below, we are committing to change these so that contractors can have much greater confidence in what they will get from Network Rail.
There are also areas where Network Rail’s own infrastructure organisation will be best placed to manage project delivery, for example due to scale, complexity and risks which a private sector company could not bear. This will also be part of the framework we will develop.
Part of welcoming contestability is recognising that we do not have to play a central role in all rail projects. If a third party has a particular project that they would like to take forward, and is in a position to do so, then the most effective model may be for them to take on responsibility for the funding, design, and build. Our role will be to provide advice as to the standards and processes required to ensure what is being built is compatible with the rest of the rail network and does not expose us to long term liabilities. Again we know that asset protection arrangements must change to allow these third party delivered projects to succeed.
Network Rail’s System Operator function helps identify future capacity needs on the railway and ensures that the allocation of current capacity is optimised for the benefit of the network as a whole. They can support third parties in understanding how well their projects might fit with the wider strategic direction being taken by the industry.
Examples in this area could include the construction of improved rail links to support power generation plans, such as in Cumbria, or the construction of Sizewell C in Anglia. It could also include local or regional transport authorities fully-funded projects, such as line extensions, depots and stations.
We know there is considerable private sector appetite to invest in long life secure assets such as railways. As there are complexities in ensuring these are financially viable for both government and investors, we are establishing a dedicated team (to be in place by December 2017) to identify suitable opportunities. Projects that require supplier expertise – developing new technology, for example – may be particularly suitable for this.
This may include third parties delivering and providing finance for schemes, which would then remain on the government’s “balance sheet” and be paid by government over the long-term. These would typically be opportunities where the benefits of innovation and risk transfer outweigh the likely higher cost of capital, i.e. they represent better value for money. Such projects will still need to fit in the available government funding envelope to be viable.
We know that there is a common perception that Network Rail is difficult to work with. The Hansford Review identified one of the barriers to third parties entering the rail market is Network Rail’s own behaviours. Currently, a potential funder may have to engage with a number of different Network Rail departments, who may offer conflicting advice, and it can be unclear where accountability for decision-making sits.
Asset protection agreements can be a particular barrier for third parties. During works on or adjacent to the railway, it is essential that Network Rail has proper procedures in place to ensure that rail services are not disrupted, that equipment and structures are not damaged, and that safety is given the highest priority. The Hansford Review identifies, however, that “the perception is that Network Rail’s approach is excessively risk-averse, and not incentivised to help third parties.”
- 为第三方提供单一联系人,该项目赞助商将负责与网络铁路的其他相关部位联络。亚搏彩票软件官网他们将获得更好的资产保护问责制(ASPRO),同意第三方所需的内容,然后与ASPRO团队同意项目计划,并将必要的商业安排实施。
- 为第三方制定服务级别协议(SLA),阐述他们可以期望的东西,流程和时间尺度,以及我们不满意的升级过程。我们希望那些可能与我们联系未来SLA的人通知这项工作,因此我们将建立一个由Amey的首席执行官Andy Milner领导的工作组,同意SLA的关键要素应该是什么。从2018年开始,我们将通过路线向SLA发布我们的表现,突出最佳实践和改进领域。
- 在我们的九条路线上标准化我们的Aspro方法,使得要求和期望是一致而透明的,无论该项目的哪些部分以及它是由第三方或网络铁路自行交付团队提供的。亚搏彩票软件官网
- 建立ASPRO团队的预算和充足的资源库,迅速响应第三方要求。
The Hansford Review found that “inappropriate application of standards is perceived as an excuse for ‘gold plating’ Network Rail’s requirements, to the cost of the third party”.
We recognise that whilst standards are extremely important to ensure safety, compatibility and quality, when applied indiscriminately they can also add unnecessary cost and complexity. As well as our own review of our policies and standards, which we will complete by March 2018, we want to enable our suppliers to proactively challenge standards that are considered to drive increased cost without comparable benefit, with particular focus on the early project design stages.
Based on the findings of the pilot and lessons we can learn from other industries we aim to introduce these incentives from 2018. We believe this will enable us to harness the creativity of the industry and ensure that our standards constantly represent the latest cutting edge thinking, as well as creating potentially significant cost savings. From 2018, we will publish an annual list of industry-inspired changes to standards, and the industry benefit they have generated (and are likely to generate in the longer term).
- As part of our programme of increasing devolution of responsibility to route managing directors, we are in the process of recruiting into route leadership structures to enhance our commercial capability, including the appointment of business development directors. We expect all posts to be filled by autumn 2017.
- We will create a Head of Asset Protection in each route, who will work with project sponsors on third party requirements. They will be directly accountable to the industry for ensuring that the SLA service levels, mentioned above, are delivered and reported on. This will be part of the changes outlined in section one, to be trialled in Anglia in autumn 2017 before rolling out across Network Rail in spring 2018.
- 我们还将创建一个国家资产保护主任,以促进ASPRO的转型,并制定政策和流程。
To support these changes, Network Rail’s Chief Financial Officer (CFO) will take overall accountability for a governance and reporting framework to support and monitor third party involvement on the network. This will be supported by a comprehensive reporting system from the route finance teams which will be reported externally and up to the Network Rail Board. This will be in place by December 2017. This will allow us to be explicit, internally and externally, about the efficiency gains we expect to make from contestability and to incentivise internal behaviour change through performance objectives and performance-related pay. Specifically, the CFO will ensure that we report annually on the pipeline of third party contestable opportunities, the asset protection SLA performance and the incentive payments made for positive changes to standards.
In addition the CFO will act as the final point of escalation for any disputes and will champion the removal of obstacles that are hindering third party investors.
One of the deterrents to investment in the railway is the degree of risk that can be realistically borne by a third party. We will clarify what risks can be excluded by a third party and assess where Network Rail alone is in a position to bear certain risks. We also expect certain risks can in future be transferred to the insurance markets rather than being ultimately borne by Network Rail or the third party and already have products in place to support this.
Autumn 2017 – Anglia trial of new approach to third parties/ ASPRO.
Autumn 2017 – route leadership teams, including business development directors, in place.
2017年12月 - 新的治理和报告框架到位。
December 2017 – routes publish pipeline of opportunities for third parties.
2017年12月 - 队用于确定适合第三方财务的计划。
2018年 - 引入激励措施,鼓励行业挑战标准。
2018年3月——内部审查的政策和立场ards completed.
Spring 2018 – roll out of new approach to third parties/ ASPRO.
By December 2018 – publish performance against third party SLA, by route.
By December 2018 – publish industry-inspired changes to standards.
汉斯福德推荐 | Network Rail Response | |
1 | Network Rail to develop and embed processes and specialist commercial capability within the routes to establish and execute a range of alternative design and delivery options for infrastructure projects. | See 3.1. |
2 | Network Rail to demonstrate its commitment to creating a more contestable market and evaluate resulting gains. | 2.1和3.4。 |
3 | Network Rail in conjunction with government to develop clear and transparent principles and processes for considering contestability at each investment decision stage. | 见3.4。我们将与DFT合作,以此为前进。 |
4 | Government to ensure that it gives due consideration to contestability in its business case methodology, and to publish appraisal guidelines to assist third parties to realise financial benefits associated with rail infrastructure projects. | [DfT action] |
5 | Government to establish an early development fund with clear criteria to assist in the creation of high quality investment proposals. | [DfT action] |
6 | Network Rail in conjunction with government to create and maintain a forward view of the scale of third party investment opportunities, giving visibility and confidence to the market. | 见3.4。We will work with the DfT to take this forward. |
7 | Network Rail in conjunction with government to identify a range of pathfinder projects to demonstrate the removal of barriers and the benefits from alternative funding and delivery models. | Network Rail will have created a pipeline of opportunities by the end of 2017, in conjunction with DfT. Some projects may then become ‘pathfinders’. |
8 | 亚搏彩票软件官网网络铁路定义角色和核查,构建能力,并为参与第三方投资者(资助者和送给者)的路线提供支持;并定义路线和网络轨道基础设施项目的相应核对。亚搏彩票软件官网 | See 3.3 and 3.4. |
9 | Embed within Network Rail’s transformation programme the behavioural changes required to create a welcoming, predictable and trusting environment, providing more cost and risk certainty. | 见3.3,3.4和3.5。 |
10 | Network Rail to convert its Code of Practice into a Service Level Agreement, refreshing its template agreements, asset protection agreements and guidelines reflecting a more balanced risk transfer, in consultation with industry. | 见3.3,3.4和3.5。 |
11 | 创建一个透明的过程,以启用和促进项目开发期间的范围和标准应用的第三方挑战,在提供资金承诺之前将其固定。 | See 3.2 and 3.4. |
12 | 建立有效的监督安排,为更具竞争的铁路市场提供战略方向,在现有的网络铁路治理结构和酌情涉及政府亚搏彩票软件官网 | 见3.4。We will take this forward in conjunction with DfT and ORR as required. |