
The Network Rail TAF TAP Programme is co-financed by the European Union's TEN-T programme.
The sole responsibility of this publication lies with the author. The European Union is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
What are TAF and TAP?
货运服务的远程信息处理(TAF):including information systems (real-time monitoring of freight and trains), marshalling and allocation systems, reservation, payment and invoicing systems, management of connections with other modes of transport and production of electronic accompanying documents.
远程信息处理应用tions for Passenger services (TAP):包括在旅程之前和期间提供乘客,预订和支付系统,行李管理以及列车之间的连接和其他运输方式的信息提供信息。
Technical specifications regulate technologies. In this context, there are Technical Specifications for Interoperability (TSIs).
All EU member states have obligations in relation to the interoperability of national rail systems under指令2008/57 / EC,英国通过英国实施法立法(2006年铁路(互操作性)规例)。所有TSIS都根据指令起草并实施。
与大多数TSI一样,它们以欧盟规定的形式出版。这意味着TAF Tap TSIS和其中包含的义务 - 关于基础设施管理者(如网络轨道),火车承诺和其他利益相关者在那些人身上具有约束力。亚搏彩票软件官网
The exchange of messages in a standardised format is intended to:
- 改善欧洲铁路互操作性
- reduce technical barriers to entry in member states’ rail markets
- 通过交换时间表,票务和更新信息,使乘客更轻松地让乘客更轻松
The TAF TAP TSIs set standards for the management and exchange of data between:
- Infrastructure Managers
- Railway Undertakings
- Wagon Keepers
- 站经理
The type of information involved
包含并支付在TAF DIP TSI法规中规定的消息的信息用于支持路径管理,培训准备和培训运行的业务流程。
Network Rail’s role
运输部要求网络铁路协调大英国和北爱尔兰的TAF This实施计划。亚搏彩票软件官网网络铁路完成的实施计划和协调工作将促进英国铁路组织的准备和遵守立法。亚搏彩票软件官网
Details regarding Network Rail’s role can be found on the运输部门。
- 运费和火车的实时监控
- 编组和分配系统
- reservation and payment / invoicing systems
- management of connections with other modes of transport
- 生产电子伴随文件
It was decided that TAF would be implemented through the use of existing shared industry systems. This falls under the scope of Network Operations: Operations Management Portfolio.
2015年6月,运输部决定采取不同的方法才能进行水龙头。据一致认为,TAF TaTIS计划将:
- 与铁路交付组(RDG)和国家联络点保持对话,然后在讨论/报告英国挖掘/报告中推迟
- represent Network Rail and European Infrastructure Managers at European TAP meetings
- 确保网络导轨满足其作为车亚搏彩票软件官网站经理的Tap义务
- 在旅程前和期间提供乘客
- 预订和付款
- 行李管理和自行车储量
- management of connections between trains and with other modes of transport
The TAF consultation phase
- 建立关于一些立法要素的解释达成共识
- gathered and define the business requirements
- agreed the principles of the technical architecture
The consultation phase formally concluded on 4 February 2016.
The TAF solutions phase
网络轨道的目标是在其协调执行TAF 亚搏彩票软件官网TAP TSIS的工作中,是同意和文件:
- a clear set of requirements for UK suppliers
- an effective ‘solution’ of business processes
- 强大的工作包,以进行必要的变化
This phase involves deeper engagement of the industry stakeholders, particularly infrastructure managers (IMs) and railway undertakings (RUs).
有关TAF Tap或建议改进此页面的更多信息,请发送电子邮件taftapnetworkRail@networkRail.co.uk.
Useful links
- 欧盟委员会十吨计划
- Department for Transport correspondence
- 英国预期TSI版本声明
- 委员会条例(欧盟)否1305/2014
- 2006年铁路(互操作性)规例
- TAP TSI Regulation (EU)
- TAF TSI条例(欧盟)
- 指令2008/57 / EC
- railneteurope taf-tap tsi
- 欧洲铁路机构技术文件
- TAF的欧洲铁路机构技术文件
- 欧洲铁路机构实施
- 欧洲铁路机构TAF TSI总体规划
- ORR Proposed Guidance on The Railways Regulations 2016
- RSSB标准策略
- European Railway Agency TAF/Tap TSI Reference Data Portal