The access charges for Control Period 6 (CP6) apply until 31 March 2024

These price lists are consistent with theOffice of Rail and Road’s (ORR) Final Determination, and are referenced in track and station access contracts.

We publish annual updates to the price lists to reflect the effect of inflation. Price lists uplifted for CPI will be published on this page in March each year.

Page contents

Price Lists updated to reflect inflation

ORR expressed its Final Determination in 2017/18 prices, so we have had to update them to reflect inflation since then. These apply from 1 April each year.

2021/22 price lists

Previous price lists

CP6 access charges

ORR’s determination was expressed in 2017/18 prices. This is shown below:

Final Determination consistent price lists: key assumptions
724 KB
CP6 Franchised Station Long Term Charge Price List, 17/18 prices
126 KB
Charges payable by station facility owners
CP6 Managed Station Long Term Charge Price List, 17/18 prices
11 KB
Charges payable by beneficiaries of managed stations
Schedule of Fixed Charges, 17/18 prices
11 KB
Track Usage Price List, 17/18 prices
125 KB
This includes: – Variable usage charge rates payable by passenger, freight and charter operators – Electrification asset usage charge payable by passenger, freight and charter operators – Freight-specific charge payable by freight operators carrying coal ESI, biomass, iron ore and spent nuclear fuel – Slot charge payable by charter operators
CP6 Open Access ICC Rates List, 17/18 prices
16 KB
Payable by open access operators only
Schedule of Schedule 4 Access Charge Supplement, 17/18 prices
42 KB
25 KB
Used to calculate metered electricity charges
Traction Electricity Modelled Consumption Rates List
38 KB
Traction electricity consumption rates used in the calculation of the traction electricity charge payable by passenger operators, freight operators and charter operators

Supplements to CP6 price lists

Supplements to CP6 track usage and ICC uplifted for CPI (April 2021)
61 KB
Supplements to list of CP6 traction electricity modelled consumption rates
16 KB

Supporting documents – CP6 access charges

Methodology for calculating new EC4T consumption rates (April 2014)
112 KB
EC4T Freight tariff letter 2020 – 2021
65 KB
EC4T Charter tariff letter 2020 – 2021
75 KB
EC4T Freight tariff letter 2021 – 2022
110 KB
EC4T Charter tariff letter 2021 – 2022
117 KB

Heathrow Spur Traction Electricity Price modelled consumption rates

HAL is the owner of the Heathrow Spur which is adjacent to and connects with Network Rail's Network. Trains operating on the Heathrow Spur draw traction electricity from the Heathrow Spur overhead line electricity (OHLE) system. The electrical power for the Heathrow Spur OHLE system is provided by a feeder station owned by Network Rail, which also provides electrical power to Network Rail's Network.

The parties' objective is that the methodology for the calculation and payment of charges for traction electricity consumption on the Heathrow Spur is consistent with the methodology for the calculation and payment of charges for traction electricity consumption on Network Rail's Network.

HAL and Network Rail have therefore agreed that charges for traction electricity consumption on the Heathrow Spur shall be administered by Network Rail and shall be calculated and paid substantially in accordance with the Industry Framework that applies on Network Rail's Network.

Download rates

Heathrow Spur Traction Electricity Price modelled consumption rates list template
34 KB

Guidance on calculating new Control Period 6 (CP6) Variable Usage Charge (VUC) rates

CP6 VUC guidance document (February 2020)
427 KB
This document provides a guide to using the CP6 VUC calculator to calculate new CP6 VUC rates
Official CP6 VUC calculator (April 2019)
574 KB
For calculating new CP6 VUC rates, which should be submitted to ORR in 2017/18 prices
Unofficial CP6 VUC calculator (April 2021)
584 KB
For calculating new VUC rates in current prices
New VUC rate letter template (April 2019)
106 KB
Letter template for use by train operators and Network Rail when requesting a new VUC rate from ORR
Passenger vehicle characteristics pro-forma (August 2019)
1 MB
A pro forma which should be completed by the train operator and provided to Network Rail so that a new passenger VUC rate can be calculated
Freight vehicle characteristics pro-forma (August 2019)
68 KB
A pro forma which should be completed by the train operator and provided to Network Rail so that a new freight VUC rate can be calculated
Guide to calculating Tgamma values (April 2019)
51 KB
The guide sets out how operators should calculate Tgamma values, if they wish to do so
Guide to calculating Ride Force Count values (April 2019)
1 MB
This guide sets how Ride Force Count values should be calculated, using the software below, for freight VUC rates

Software for freight operators to calculate Ride Force Count values to be input into the CP6 VUC calculator