Our teams have worked around in the clock in certain areas to respond toStorm Ciara,Storm Dennis造成的问题and additional heavy rainfall, and get passengers moving again.
Please checkNational Rail Enquiries在您开始旅程之前,可以获得最新的旅行信息。
威尔士维修继续 - 大多数线路重新打开
威尔士是英国最糟糕的地区之一;它持续了90英里的风,极端降雨量和洪水。天气封闭了许多线条,对此产生了重大损害Conwy山谷线in north Wales, which had suffered similar damage just last year.
Conwy山谷线路运行在兰迪德诺交界处和Blaenau Ffestiniog之间。Inspections this month found Storm Ciara had washed away the ballast – the stones that support the track – in several places. The storm also damaged fencing and level crossings at several locations.
画廊:Conwy Valley Line伤害,2月2020年2月
这recent emergency comes after we reopened the Conwy Valley line – a significant route for the area's economy – last summer following extensive flood damage.
自从Storm Ciara以来的天气意味着我们尚未能够建立维修的时间表。及时了解我们的康威河谷的信息威尔士和边界路线推特账户-@NetworkRailWAL。
与此同时,我们在最近几周内重新打开了受天气影响的威尔士的大部分线。这Abergavenny to Hereford linereopened on Saturday February 22, ahead of the Wales versus France Six Nations rugby match. The only other lines that remain affected are the line在Abercynon和Aberdare之间, with partial reopening due on Monday morning, and theConwy山谷线in north Wales. All other closed lines have now reopened.
Watch this video to see some of our repairs:
Dumfries repairs underway
努力修理塌方在铁路下面基尔马诺克和邓弗里斯之间in Scotland has begun following damage sustained during Storm Ciara.
这section of line nearHolywoodin Dumfries and加洛韦自2月10日以来已经关闭过90英里的风和极端降雨导致附近的河流侵蚀铁路下方的堤坝。
网络轨道的项目经理Tom Podger表示:“Landslip位于亚搏彩票软件官网河上方的困难位置,该网站的远程性在将设备和材料造成挑战,以便将设备和材料置于该网站。
“We are though working through these issues as quickly as possible to get the line re-opened for customers.”

Billericay Landslip.
这line betweenBillericay and Wickford on the Southend Victoria line2月24日在2月19日修理账户的账面后,在2月24日在票房进行修理后24日修理。
We had already planned to close the line for overhead line upgrade work but as a safety measure, closed the Southend-bound line at this location and enabled trains able to run in both directions on the adjacent line.

Work is underway to reopen the railway在西萨塞克斯郡和灵菲尔德东格林斯特德之间在萨里by 30 March after two landslips blocked the line.
这re have been two landslips between Dormans and East Grinstead, where the railway lies between a remote woodland, south of Wilderness Lake.

Works to repair the slip involve building an 800-metre-long road just to reach the site, due to its remote location. We will drive steel beams into the ground to build a wall to repair the embankment.
We need to bring in almost 25,000 tonnes of new material to replace the soil lost in the slips, delivered to site on 25 trains. After reopening the line we will carry out further work to shore up the section between the two landslips when it is less disruptive to passengers.
How storms and flooding affect the railway.