Very wet and windy weather can significantly impact the railway.
With wind and heavy rain forecast across Britain, Network Rail and train operators are preparing for the impact of severe weather.
What does stormy weather do to the railway?
洪水, high winds and landslips can destroy railway infrastructure and block lines, so our teams repair damage and clear debris to ensure trains can continue to run.
If you靠铁路, please help us by securing any loose garden items that might blow on to the tracks.
Infrastructure impacts
- Flood water can wash away ballast – the bed of stones that supports the railway sleepers. Such ‘washouts’ can make the line unsafe until it has been re-laid.
- 点和信令equipment rely on intricate wiring and power supplies, which are extremely vulnerable to failure during flooding, and need replacing before services can run again. If the track has a live conductor rail, flooding can cause a short circuit.
- 有时洪水不会停止火车跑步,但如果水位上升到轨道上方,火车必须降低他们的速度,以防止损坏火车,这反过来可能导致延误。
- Heavy rain can overwhelm the drainage systems on the railway, known as culverts, and make flooding more likely.
High winds
更严重的是,被炸毁的树木可以击中overhead power lines(pictured), severing connections or in some cases knocking down masts entirely.
Managing vegetation by the railway

Even once water seems to have receded,山水are another risk that comes with such a volume of water.
Their frequency is strongly related to the weather. Long, wet periods often result in a lot of landslides. In some cases, these do not affect anyone and therefore do not get reported; however, when they affect roads, railways and other infrastructure they can cause great disruption.
Tonnes of wet earth, mud and other debris spreading onto the track is a huge problem, closing lines until the large obstructions can be safely removed.
观看这部电影,了解有关Landslips的更多信息以及我们如何监控他们,以保持铁路和乘客安全 -民间one Warren: The Great Fall to SSSI:
Other tools look at the longer term management of flood risks to the railway, including the Washout and Earthflow Risk Mapping system (WERM) used by our geotechnical teams on eachroute。这标识土方有可能被水淹,并评估这种情况发生的风险。然后可以使用结果来构建洪水警告数据库,以便在覆盖路线的任何洪水警告期间检查这些区域。
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