We’re making it easier for other organisations to invest in, and build on the railway.
为其他组织通力提供宝贵的机会ations to invest in, and build on the railway reduces the tax-payer burden. The increased competition drives down cost, while also increasing efficiency, creativity and innovation.
我们更轻松地为其他组织投资铁路。我们发布了A.第三方资助,财务或提供改进的机会列表and have committed to keeping it regularly updated. We're介绍竞争性and offering projects out to market which previously only Network Rail could deliver. To support this new way of working, we're increasing our capacity and capability by putting in place a专用项目融资团队谁可以促进和管理市场的额外兴趣。和一个新的商业发展董事团队驻扎在全国范围内,将通过开始完成投资者。
Easier to work with
我们的responsibility to run and maintain a safe railway can mean other organisations feel we are difficult to work with when delivering railway projects. Recognising this, we are implementing a number of reforms to break down barriers and make it easier to work with us. We arereviewing and amending our standards,风险管理的实践和方法,管理我们如何与希望在铁路上或附近建立的其他组织的工作方式。我们的资产保护和优化团队将在新框架下运作,具有新的service level commitments,而且new leadership,这将带来更好的工作实践,流线型和一致的过程,以及在更一致的框架下的光滑,更少的官僚结构。
Easier to get involved
Railway projects are run to a prescriptive set of detailed requirements known as‘standards.’虽然他们支撑了如何运行改进项目的交付方式,但它们通常被视为过于复杂并增加不必要的成本。所以我们是updating and streamlining our railway standards减少复杂性和成本,并鼓励创新。我们也介绍了一个标准挑战过程so other organisations can proactively suggest better ways of maintaining and enhancing the railway.
What we’re trying to encourage
We’re looking for investment from other organisations – both public and private – to upgrade the railway where it will benefit them. ThePort of Felixstowefor example, are helping to pay for a new section of track that will alleviate a bottleneck and increase capacity for freight.

David Clarke, technical director, Railway Industry Association (RIA)
Contact details
如果您有兴趣在铁路上投资或建造,请联系您当地的业务开发总监。他们的细节可以找到opportunities for third parties page。
Useful resources and downloads
可以在我们的情况下找到有兴趣投资或建造铁路的第三方资源清单downloads for third parties page。