It's home to more than 17% of Britain's rail infrastructure and some of our most scenic lines. We look at the biggest improvements for passengers on Scotland's Railway.
Scotland's Railway是其中之一Network Rail's five regions, which support the routes across Britain to bring our people closer to our passengers and the communities we serve. It covers a particularly large geographical area, from the Borders to Thurso at the far tip of the North East of the country.
It provides rapid access along busy commuter routes to major cities. In normal times, more than 2,500 daily services support the needs of communities and business across Scotland and the border to England.

- 超过英国铁路的17%
- 2,500名乘客和50个货运服务正常时期
- 4.4米吨产品于2018年至2019年间苏格兰运输到苏格兰
- 网络轨道拥有和维护的4,715个桥梁亚搏彩票软件官网
- 由网络轨道管理的591级交叉路口亚搏彩票软件官网
- 4,326个信号和359个站
Big improvements to Scotland's Railway in recent years have included the2015年边界铁路开设。这是英国最长的新国内线在100多年以来,自1969年以来首次通过铁路与苏格兰的资本重新连接到当地社区。亚博账号登录
风景秀丽的30英里线在少于一个小时的Tweedbank和Edinburgh之间乘客。The Borders Railway描述重新开放为“新的铁路的新老年时代”。
Between 2014 and 2019, we electrified 325 km of Scotland's central railway: between Edinburgh and Glasgow, Cumbernauld and Glasgow, Holytown and Midcalder and from Grangemouth through Falkirk and Stirling to Alloa and Dunblane.电气化意味着更安静的列车,更加环保。
What are our current projects to create more space on the railway, improve journey times and the frequency of services, and enhance facilities for customers?
Delivering a modern and fully accessible transport hub at Glasgow’s gateway to Scotland is one of our largest projects in Scotland.
We'reredeveloping Glasgow Queen Street给乘客:
- 当代建筑物
- An expanded concourse
- 改进,完全无障碍,在Dundas街和乔治广场的入口
- 新车站设施包括无障碍厕所,物业和售票处,以及零售空间
- 扩展平台可容纳长达八个车厢的更长的列车。

The £120m redevelopment of Glasgow Queen Street station is part of the爱丁堡格拉斯哥改善计划(EGIP)是苏格兰中部地区铁路基础设施的苏格兰政府投资。工作开始于2017年11月,拆迁前售票处和员工住宿区,以清除延长平台所需的空间。
Follow the project on Twitter –@NetworkRailgqs.– for the latest updates.
爱丁堡Waverley Masterplan.

In normal times, the number of people using the railway substantially increases, putting more pressure on the supporting infrastructure – including stations.
通过网络铁路和爱丁堡市委员会的伙伴关系领导,亚搏彩票软件官网Waverley Masterplan.将在短期,中长期和长期内形成车站演变的框架。
阅读Waverley Masterplan提案要了解更多关于MasterPlan集团的工作以及我们如何达到迄今为止的建议。
我们走向一个令人难以置信的桥Experience for visitors; we're looking for a main contractor to design and build the attraction so sightseers can take in fantastic views. We aim to appoint a contractor by the end of the year and start work on site next year.

第四桥has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 2015, giving it the same status as the Taj Mahal and the Great Wall of China.
Aberdeen to Inverness

We’re upgrading the railway between Aberdeen and Inverness to improve connectivity, support more services and improve journey times on the line, which is is about 108 miles long.
Aberdeen - 因弗内斯改善项目是一项苏格兰政府资助项目,将以阶段交付,并在整个工作中提供增量效益。
- two-hour journeys end to end
- an hourly train service
- better commuter services
- 货运的更多机会。
In March,我们分享了新的Kintore站在线上的方式会引领方式鼓励更环保的人随着额外的苏格兰政府资助,以增加车站电荷湾的数量。新传输中心的168个空间中共有24个将用于电动车辆 - 这两个空格的大幅增加,最初计划的设施。我们在克林特建造一站新车站,在56年内首次重新连接克林特到铁路。
Its construction follows2017年新福雷斯站开幕, also part of the Aberdeen-Inverness Improvement Project, close to the old Forres station.
- 第四桥was the first major structure in Britain made of steel. Its construction resulted in a continuous East Coast railway route from London to Aberdeen.
- 在2001年开始的第四座桥的翻新中使用的技术将结束绘制结构的神话不再是永无止境的任务!
- 泰桥is two miles and 73 yards (3286m) long but it can vary in overall length by as much as 3ft 9in (1.14m) due to thermal expansion.
- 格伦芬南南部的高架桥– one of the world’s most famous pieces of railway infrastructure – is the longest mass concrete rail bridge in Scotland.
- For decades, a myth said a horse and cart fell inside a pier of the Glenfinnan Viaduct during construction, in about 1899. In 2001, radar imaging proved there was a grain of truth in the story but that it in fact happened at another McAlpine concrete rail bridge – the nearby Loch nan Uamh Viaduct.
- The格拉斯哥中央车站Signal Box built in 1908 was placed between the two approach bridges, over the River Clyde on a cantilever. This was because no space could be found to build it on land.