Network Rail – Britain’s biggest builder – is making it easier for private companies to invest in the railway.
On 30 January, Harriet Hepburn, corporate finance and business development director at Network Rail, spoke to delegates including representatives from investors, the government and the broader rail sector to explain how.
Network Rail is Open for Business
过去20年来对铁路的需求翻了一番,每天近500万乘客现在使用网络。亚搏彩票软件官网网络铁路每周为乘客投资超过130万英镑 - 这是英国整个基础设施的22%。
在过去的十年中,铁路基础设施investment has amounted to more than £74bn. This funding has enabled enormously complex upgrades and delivered significant benefits for passengers.
主要项目包括泰文克隆计划, 这伟大的北铁路项目和Edinburgh Glasgow Improvement Programme。与此同时,我们已经开展了重建等地标站,如阅读,伯明翰新街and伦敦大桥。
作为我们的一部分为商业计划开放,我们对我们最常用和最重要的标准中的400人进行了重大审查 - 基本上是运行铁路的规则书 - 使事情更容易,更具成本效益,并允许新的想法和创新:
A standard challenge process now allows third parties to suggest better ways of running the railway. For instance,British Steelsuggested it could halve the cost of our overhead electrification masts without compromising effectiveness or safety. We’re now working with them to change that standard.
We’ve reformed our asset protection and optimisation (ASPRO) organisation – essentially our health and safety people. We’ve recruited a professional head and a head for each route to provide strategy and professionalisation; introduced company-wide standards to provide a unified service and rolled out service-level commitments and customer satisfaction surveys to help us improve.
Meanwhile, we’ve recruited a team of business development directors – one for each route – to secure investment for the railway and act as the first port of call for interested parties, guiding them through the process.
Maghull North station

Maghull North station, a modern station with step-free access near Liverpool is a great example of how private investment can bring benefits to local communities. This work was fully funded by third parties and has so far supported 370 new homes, with further growth expected in the area.

Hutchison Ports, owner of the菲利克斯威港, is partly funding the double-tracking of a 1.4km section of railway on the approach to the port to alleviate an infamous bottleneck. This will increase capacity by 10 freight trains a day. That’s the equivalent of 760 lorries a day, reducing road congestion and pollution, and improving reliability for passenger services.
Barking Riverside station
