The亚搏彩票软件官网网络轨道存档is the custodian of a vast collection of historic documents and plans relating to today’s railway infrastructure.
Each month we will delve into the archive to shine a light on the development of our network through the ages.
This week (published 21 February)Glasgow Queen Streetcelebrates its 177thbirthday, during its first major redevelopment for almost 50 years.
本月,格拉斯哥Queen Street邀请社区成员,了解其转型的场景。巡回赛是下个月举行的。
A bigger, brighter station
Network Rail is busy behind the hoardings delivering a bigger, brighter terminus for passengers. The improvements include a larger concourse and longer platforms for longer trains.
It’s part of the broader the £742m爱丁堡格拉斯哥改善计划(EGIP)– a comprehensive package of improvements to Scotland's railway infrastructure.

Network Rail is modernising and upgrading main junctions and infrastructure, and electrifying the Scottish railway, including the main line between Edinburgh and Glasgow.

The contract for Queen Street's roof, dated September 1878

It said that in 1877, “powers were obtained” for improvements, including an expansion of the station by opening some of the tunnel and widening the station to approximately the dimensions of the 1930s.
On completion next year, the new concourse will be much bigger, leading to less crowding for passengers.
自去年1月以来,拆迁团队已营业超过26,000小时,以安全地删除超过14,000吨的冗余材料 - 相当于700跳。

From the archive: London Charing Cross
Step back in time… and inside Britain's busiest signal box
Network Rail graduates step into history
Preserving railway history: five things saved by Network Rail