It’s the world’s oldest railway bridge in continuous use. It ranks among Historic England’s 100 Places and has even appeared on the £5 note.
达灵顿的Skerne Bridge曾庆祝其195年TH.birthday, along with its historic line – the Stockton and Darlington Railway.
This was the world's first public railway to use steam locomotives, making it the birthplace of today’s modern passenger railway.
We’re proud to look after our Victorian infrastructure and carried out essential maintenance on Skerne Bridge ahead of the milestone.

我们从石雕中取出了植物和杂草,并削减了铁路旁边的一些树木。管理增长将有助于保持您的跑步和可靠地运行,并使Skerne Bridge在Darlington的人们更加明显。同时,我们重新绘制了桥梁和涂鸦的部分。
We worked closely with the A1 Steam Locomotive Trust and Darlington Borough Council to brighten up the area and bring the bridge closer to its former glory.
Skerne Bridge于1825年9月27日正式开业,携带斯托克顿和达林顿铁路在河边河边。这也是公众的第一次可以乘坐蒸汽火车旅行。
今天,达林顿的服务到主教奥克兰线跑过Skerne Bridge。它距离东海岸主线大约半英里,通过约克郡,约克,达勒姆和纽卡斯尔连接英格兰和苏格兰的首都。
Pioneering engineer George Stephenson laid out his plans for this ground-breaking railway in a very special notebook:
两年前,我们经过50多年后重新发现笔记本电脑。1822年的笔记本由John Page发现,记录助理亚搏彩票软件官网网络铁路的档案馆在约克。它概述了斯蒂芬森的设计和预算for the Stockton and Darlington Railway, and became the blueprint for the railways that followed.
Click here to find out more about the historic plans.
我们东海岸路线的路线主任Paul Rutter表示:“Skerne Bridge是我们铁路历史的重要组成部分,我为我们的团队承担了195年的执行这项工作TH.周年纪念日,所以可以被达灵顿人民庆祝,并展示那些访问该镇的人。
“The bridge carried the first passenger trains and it will remain an essential part of Darlington’s railway for years to come.”
Graeme Bunker-James, The A1 Steam Locomotive Trust, said: “As the custodians of Darlington’s modern manufacture of steam locomotives, it is wonderful to see the world famous location recognised as the birthplace of the public railway fit for the celebrations.”