Rikke Carmichael开始了15岁的飞机15岁。今天,她领导了我们的航空运营团队,帮助我们每天都能保持数百万人。
“我总是被告知我可以做任何我想做的事情......我从来没有考虑过我不能成为飞行员或者不应该是飞行员。我看着我想做的事,我喜欢飞行,所以我以为我会去......“ - rikke carmichael,空运头部,网络铁路亚搏彩票软件官网
点击here to watch Just Like Me, the full filmwe released for International Women in Engineering Day last year.
From about 15 I started glider flying because it was the cheapest way to get in the air and less complicated and something you can do after school… It’s a really good way of getting into that kind of environment.
Because you fly without an engine, you have to learn about meteorology and you have to learn about aerodynamics… You find out if that’s something you’re interested in because it’s part of learning to fly. It’s not just about going up and having fun in the air, there are quite a lot of theoretical things you need to learn about.
我是一个相当自我激励的人,我并不肯定,这是从哪里来的,但我总是有一个非常明确的目标是我想这样做,所以我出去了,做了它。When I finished school I wanted to learn to fly and I moved from Denmark, where I’m originally from, to California and went to flight school and I didn’t know anybody… I have always had the goal and haven’t really needed to be pointed in any direction.
Why do you love your job?
There’s so much to do and there are so many opportunities and so many different aspects of what we can support Network Rail with that it’s almost difficult to know where to begin but that’s the good thing as well. It means no two days are the same. We have different challenges every day and I’m just excited and happy to be part of that and hopefully grow the team.
What would you tell a young person who thinks STEM is boring?

I think that as a young person, I tried to do as much work experience as possible. If you can get a couple of days with somebody doing a job just to see what it was about and if you have the opportunity to do that, go out and see what it is actually about before making any decision about what that job potentially can give to you.
I wasn’t necessarily the most academically gifted child but I had the passion for what I wanted to do. I probably went the route I did in spite of my natural talent rather than because of it and yes, it means hard work and it means maybe you have to put the extra hours in to learn something but if you are really truly passionate about a subject like I was about flying, you will get there and it will be worth it so perseverance is probably one of the most important words, I think.
It’s about not how many times you fall or why you fall but how you get up and why you keep going… You shouldn’t let anybody stand in the way of what it is you’re trying to achieve with your life, whether that’s education or anything else and just keep going.
What advice would you give to a young person?
Find something that will make you jump out of bed in the morning and go, ‘I’m going to make a difference today,’ whether that’s baking phenomenal bread or building a rail road or whatever it is… As long as you’ve got passion and got an interest in it, then I don’t think you can go too wrong.
What does the railway mean to you?
The railway to me today means opportunity and it means responsibility. We’re responsible [for getting people] from A to B every single day, safely – and I take that responsibility very seriously. I think we, as air ops, play an important part in ensuring that happens every day.