September 1 is Back to Hogwarts day and we’re celebrating the magic of a Scottish railway icon.
“Harry peered out of the window… He could see mountains and forests under a deep purple sky…”JK Rowling
The Glenfinnan Viaduct – one of the world’s most famous pieces of railway infrastructure and the longest mass concrete rail bridge in Scotland – captured the imaginations of a new generation when it appeared in the Harry Potter films.
Watch this film to see the famous Jacobite Steam Train crossing the viaduct:
Each summer, it attracts thousands of visitors a week eager to catch a glimpse of the雅各塔蒸汽火车从威廉堡到马利格在西部高地线路奔跑 - 英国最景色的铁路旅行之一。
HegeHernæs,策展人Glenfinnan Station Museum,Jocobite停止说:“穿过高架桥的蒸汽火车是标志性的图像。它现在表示苏格兰。“
An engineering masterpiece
Robert McAlpine & Sons, headed by Robert McAlpine – known as Concrete Bob – built the 21-span bridge using mass concrete, making it Scotland’s longest concrete viaduct.
材料的选择也节省了很大的时间和金钱 - 这座桥大约需要四年的时间来建造,但到1898年10月完全足以携带货物,据特许土木工程师杂志。它的价格仅为18,904英镑 - 今天的钱约为2.3米。
今天,混凝土从强大的风和雨水的风化,高地的雨水赋予它独特的性格 - 网轨确保仍然存在;亚搏彩票软件官网这座桥是一个列出的,这意味着它是全国性重要的,我们必须避免从雨中清理雨水的痕迹。
- 416码长
- 21 semi-circular spans
- Largest is span one at 50 feet
- Spans vary from 50’ 0” to 46’ 6”
- Approximately 100 feet high
- 总成本为18,904英镑(今天约为2.3亿英镑)

Economic boost – the transformation of Mallaig

The Glenfinnan Viaduct carries the Mallaig extension, which takes the West Highland Line from the village ofBanavie威廉堡靠近马利格的渔港。
The railway’s arrival in this remote part of Scotland led to the rapid growth of Mallaig, allowing local fishermen to transport fresh catches from the then small village to Glasgow, and leading to a surge in the number of businesses operating in the area.
Keith McLellan,资产工程师,网络铁路的结构说:“近年来近年来乘客更多的乘客随着亚搏彩票软件官网雅各的火车出现,并拥有游客通过。”
The Glenfinnan viaduct – especially during the Jacobite season – is an exceptional photo opportunity but we urge visitors to take care and stay off the railway.
Trespassing on the railway is a刑事犯罪危险。它会冒着生活以及别人,危害乘客和铁路工人的生活。留在一个安全的位置,享受您的观点,不要使用无人机 - 在铁路上或附近飞行无人机是非法的。
Read more:
Guidelines for taking photos at stations
Did you know?
几十年来,一个神话说马车ins下降ide a pier of the Glenfinnan Viaduct during construction, in about 1899.
2001年,雷达成像证明了故事中有一系列真相,但事实上它发生在另一个麦尔本麦混凝土轨桥 - 附近的LOCH南UAMH高架桥上。
Read more:
Film: discover the Network Rail archive
People and the railway: reconnecting Scotland