


我们的东部地区从苏格兰的边界到伦敦。在这里,工作包括加强Camden Road Bridge以获得更可靠的货运和伦敦乘客的旅程。

Work for the£1.2bn East Coast Upgradecontinued atLondon King's Cross,随着Camden下水道的重建,它在火车站附近的轨道下跑。这是东海岸主线的升级之一,允许更多的火车在路线上运行和交付更快的旅程。

外部London Liverpool Street站,我们翻新两套点,允许火车从一条轨道移动到另一个轨道,包括安装40个全新的木材,该木材将轨道固定到位。

Meanwhile, outside Norwich railway station, we replaced four sets of points, as well as the timbers underneath that support the rails.


Gallery: Camden sewer, Camden Road bridge in London and track outside London Liverpool Street.

North West & Central region


  • 正在进行的努力升级Birmingham New Streetstation's signals – the complex system and traffic lights of the railway which keep trains running safely
  • 努力改善桥接线,沃特福德附近的电力列车,利物浦和河流
  • a bridge rebuilding project in Stafford
  • track upgrades at Euston and in Aylesbury, Preston and Manchester
  • track renewals at Cheddington near Leighton Buzzard.

Gallery: bridge rebuild in Stafford, Birmingham New Street station and track renewals at Cheddington in Buckinghamshire.


Scotland's railway provides rapid access along busy commuter routes to our seven Scottish cities.

We replaced or refurbished junctions and track on the approach to格拉斯哥中央站和更新的轨道和安装新点(使火车从Glasgow附近的Cadder在Cadder上从一条轨道移动到另一个轨道)。

画廊:Pollokshields,关于格拉斯哥中央车站的方法;在Glasgow Central附近的Muirhouse和Eglinton Street之间更新的交叉点和更换寿命过期的轨道,以及加入的新点。

Southern region

The Southern region runs from Devon in the West of England to Kent in the East. Work here included the replacements of two bridge decks on all four tracks of the Brighton Main Line at Selsdon Road bridge near Croydon. It will mean more resilience to the infrastructure and help reduce the risk of future bridge bashes, which are dangerous, expensive to repair and delay your journeys.

We also laid new ballast (the stones on the track bed) and installed track sleepers and running rails.


Watch this video to find out more about the improvements at Selsdon Road bridge:


工作涉及取代四组点和两个钻石交叉口,允许火车从一个轨道移动到另一个轨道。我们的项目经理James Pearce更多地解释了 - 包括为什么该地区为列车的瓶颈 - 当我们在拳击日遇见他时:



在West Cardiff,我们的团队更新了曲目和信令,涉及改进的轨道和开关以及轨道之间的列车。

Watch this video to find out more:

Read more:

Year on the Network 2020


Looking after the railway
