LNE Moss Road and Fenwick Lane Level Crossing


仍在使用中仍有大约6,000人,我们正在使用级别过境的司机定位in our latest safety campaign提高对风险的认识,减少全国各地的事件数量。

在早期,私营企业基于称为特殊行为的议会行为建立和维护铁路。这些特殊行为在19岁期间通过了thcentury and would hold companies responsible for managing and resolving matters including:

  • fencing the line
  • 建造和维护桥梁
  • 和级别过境点。





  • 级过境点become a common feature of the network following the large-scale building of railways.
  • There is a growing need for standardisation regarding safety; it is widely recognised that steam powered locomotives take much longer to stop than horse drawn carts and carriages.


  • The first rules regarding level crossing safety are published.
  • 要求在1839年的公路行为中的特惠公路,建议将“良好和适当的人”进行操作。
  • The Railway Regulation Act 1842 advises level crossing gates should remain closed across the roads when not needed to for road traffic.
  • All rail companies are required to build and manage fences along their lines. This new law is not for the safety of the public, but to stop trespassing on private land.


  • 信号盒成为火车信号系统的组成部分。
  • Gates are operated by a wheel in the signal box. At quieter boxes, they are moved into place manually, by the signalmen.
  • 停止信号安装以保护级别过境,并在接近显示几码。

1890年代 - 1910年代

  • Vehicle ownership grows significantly and changes the rail and road relationship.
  • The impact of motor vehicles using public level crossings is relatively small. Accidents involving fatalities are few, involving occasional collisions with gates. Greater impact is felt at private crossings.


  • The modernisation of public level crossings in Britain is low priority, particularly the development of automatic barriers, due to a lack of available funds during the economic crisis of the 1930s.

1940s – 1950s

  • 在战后几年期间,电平过境需要重大维护,但在现代化计划之前,他们的操作保持不变。

TheModernisation Plan of 1955

  • 越来越需要现代化门控水平交叉系统,但是20世纪50年代越来越繁荣的繁荣使得员工困难。目前的门控系统也有问题,为他们的操作期间为道路使用者创造了不便和延迟。
  • 现代化计划建议升级1.2亿英镑的升级列车和系统,为没有服务员的自动提升障碍提供立法基础。

20世纪60年代 - 1970年代

  • The modernisation plan is implemented further; many traditional wooden gates are replaced with lightweight metal barriers, which are first controlled by signal boxes.
  • 自动半屏障(AHB),本地监测的自动开关(AOCLS)和远程监控的自动开路(AOCRS)都在这些年内引入。
  • Locally monitored automatic open crossings launch in 1963.
  • In the Hixon rail crash of 1968, a low loader transporter is struck by an express train at an automatic half-barrier crossing in Staffordshire, killing 11 people. This incident leads to improvements in signage around automatic level crossings. The crossing at Hixon is eventually replaced in 2002 by a bridge.


  • 在水平交叉口下降的半障碍周围的“曲框”的日益增长的趋势是自动半障碍交叉口的主要事故来源。
  • 在1986年的洛克顿灾难中,火车袭击了一辆面包车,并在远程监测的自动开放过境水平过境,杀死了九人。该事件提出了对开放级别过境的适用性的疑虑。必须将英国铁路转换为其他类型的过境点。


  • 安全逐渐改善水平过境,因为最多的风险的过境点升级。

2000s and the future

  • 2006 Road Safety Act – Network Rail is involved in persuading Parliament to give power to the Department for Transport to issue highway authorities to make road improvements surrounding level crossings.
  • 亚搏彩票软件官网网络轨道安装水平交叉红灯安全摄像头,33次跨网络(2017年12月)
  • Network Rail and BTP highlight the dangers of ignoring warning signs and lights at level crossings.
  • 亚搏彩票软件官网网络铁路踏上了一系列作品,通过关闭,开发和安装技术,通过有针对性的安全运动来降低水平过境的风险。


法律委员会谘询文件194年和苏格兰法律委员会讨论文件No 143:级过境

大厅,S和梵德Mark,P.,2008。Level Crossings: The history, development and safety record of railway level crossings in Britain and Overseas from 1830 to 2008。萨里:伊恩艾伦出版社

More information:

Drivers level crossing safety campaign

博士博士/ 1955年的现代化计划
