Watch the latest episode of铁路建造的建筑and you'll get to explore an exceptional piece of our network – the world's largest working mechanical signal box.

主持人Tim Dunn访问Shrewsbury火车站的Severn Bridge Junction昨天today at 8pm, where our signallers are doing “one of the last steam-age jobs on the network,” according to signaller Jamie Green.


Severn Bridge Junction, which opened in 1904, will remain open for the foreseeable future, although Network Rail is updating signalling across Britain to providerbetter, more reliable and more frequent services. The introduction of new rail traffic management technology will lead to much greater capacity for passengers and freight operators.

However, signallers like Jamie remain crucial to Shrewsbury, ensuring all trains pass safely through the station without state-of-the-art technology.

点击画廊查看Severn Bridge Junction,Sexters Jamie Green和Kevin Collins,以及1962年的信号师:


Jamie says: “It’s very satisfying the way it connects together. It’s like a mechanical jigsaw puzzle.”


两家铁路运营公司 - 伦敦北部铁路和伟大的西式铁路 - 共同努力,尽管它们之间的竞争,但在斯密斯伯里融合了五条线。他们与南威尔士州和西北部的工业化地区连接到南威尔士州的煤炭和材料用品,并在利物浦和伦敦运输乘客。

点击画廊查看Severn Bridge Junction的计划,外观和左侧信号盒中的视图:

铁路建造的建筑– London St Pancras International

铁路建筑内置的建筑 - Ffestiniog铁路

架构建筑内置 - Ribblehead高架桥



On its name, Lawrence added: “There does not seem, at first sight, to be much connection between Shrewsbury Railway Station and the Severn Tunnel. In fact, to the casual observer, the only point of common interest would appear to be that the one goes under the river whilst the other stands on top of it. But, nevertheless, it is to the Severn Tunnel that Shrewsbury owes the position it claims as one of the most important distributing centres in the country – if not the most.”

Click on the gallery to see more images:

Network Rail is proud of its遗产,哪个日期来自19岁thcentury. It works with railway heritage organisations to document the与信号箱相关的历史,操作和生活方式,其中许多列出。

在10月份的周一,网络铁路毕业生群体正在访问Severn Bridg亚搏彩票软件官网e Junction,渴望了解有关传统铁路运营的更多信息。


The signaller’s cloth, not strictly necessary at Shrewsbury, protects levers at other signal boxes from losing their polish. Jamie says: “We’re keeping the tradition alive.”

Network Rail graduates from the Western and Wales routes:

中间巡回赛,杰米通过移动点 - 与允许火车更改轨道的信号互锁的轨道互锁 - 使用Edwardian Equipments互锁。



They remain in place today, specifically because of the tight curvature around the station.



He said: “Having chosen the signalling discipline and having experienced life at Network Rail for over a year, this was my first visit to a mechanical signal box. It is a very useful thing for new graduate engineers to see so that they can learn about mechanical signalling, and especially aids electrical graduates when they come to making the choice between the signalling and telecoms or electrification and plant disciplines. I hope the visit inspired some of the new engineers to pick the signalling and telecoms discipline.”

今天Severn Bridge Junction今天没有与英国的现代铁路运营中心相似。攀登黑暗,狭窄的楼梯后,游客享有罕见的全景享有奖励 - 南部的什鲁斯伯里城堡,在清澈的天气下,地平线上的Shropshire山丘说,杰米:“在这里,阳光灿烂的日子不会浪费。”





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