An old marshalling yard has a new life as a recycling plant that’s helping the railway to save money.


Whitemoor continued as a marshalling yard from the 1920s to the 1980s, but then lay dormant until 2004, when a phased reintroduction of the site began. The marshalling yard reopened, and in 2011 so did a recycling plant, bringing with it a new approach to used railway materials.



Modern site

Today, recycling plant and marshalling yard have a symbiotic relationship at Whitemoor. The marshalling yard is run by GB Railfreight and serves the Anglia route down to London. Railway work sites run by Network Rail’s Infrastructure Projects division place orders for materials, and wagons are loaded up in the marshalling yard ready to be taken to where they’re needed.


How do the recovered railway materials get to Whitemoor?





Ballast – the stones beneath the track – is removed from the railway, from conventional work sites and by our高输出镇流器清洁系统s。这些高科技机器在夜间沿着铁路搬迁,去除脏污,磨损的镇流器,用干净,更多的角碎片更换。脏镇流器被带到高输出操作底座,从这里乘坐轨道送达。

Ballast: what is it and why do we clean and replace it?

Watch the video to find out more about the work that goes on at Whitemoor.




Recycling is so important to us, not only as a company but as a country too. To be able to reuse the materials that we receive here in the ways that we do makes me feel incredibly proud to be part of the process. The team at Whitemoor work really hard to create a service that allows us to visibly clear line sides of redundant materials, making it a tidier and safer railway for the public.

Natalie Whitehead,Whitemoor MHD网站经理,网络轨道亚搏彩票软件官网

How is ballast recycled at Whitemoor?

Over time, ballast, the stones beneath the track, becomes worn and dirty, covered in oil and other contaminants. Our高输出镇流器清洁系统每晚都在铁路上,过滤通过轨道上的镇流器。它去除的脏镇流器储存在其货车中,最终将被带到惠特。

在骨料码头上的常见景象,铁路上只有一个镇流器 - 它是在惠特。这可以净化镇流器,能够清洁自己的水。




The facility for fixing and refurbishing switches and crossings is one of the key functions at Whitemoor. How much refurbishment is needed determines whether S&C are dealt with in situ or brought to Whitemoor.

Ordering the build of a new switch can take a long time. Whitemoor has an array of un-used switches and crossings received from jobs across the country, which the team can use to offer quicker solutions. On occasions they’ve been able to utilise their effective stock levels to refurbish what they have and solve a problem on the network. This takes less time to do than wait for a new one to be made and in effect can reduce the length of speed restrictions out on the network.



Very often they can still have a productive life on lower track categories – effectively slower parts of the network. When maintenance teams need to replace S&Cs in the case of sudden failures and potential for train delays, we want to be their first port of call and can often provide solutions far more quickly.

Patrick Nightingale, Whitemoor depot technician, Network Rail


Railway Recycling: buy recycled materials direct from the railway


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