May 1962. The last wave of the Windrush generation arrives at London Waterloo station.
霍华德·灰色,一个20岁的摄影师,前往车站捕捉历史性时刻 - 但他的曝光不足的否定会不可用50年。
Click below to see the historic photographs in 3D for the first time …
I was the only photographer there and you could buy a platform ticket for two pennies.When I got there, everybody was waiting for the train to come in and I got shots of the train coming in, and [a news crew] was there … By the time I got the cameras out, I was standing amongst all the people, so I just spun round taking pictures.
如果你是一名摄影师,你知道那些底片永远不会打印......你可以看到亮点,衬衫或他们的眼睛,以及车站的屋顶窗户很黑。非常非常黑。突然间,我扫描了他们的三个扫描 - 一个用于阴影,一个用于亮点,一个用于中音,他们呼叫在一起。我和我的妹妹......兴奋地尖叫着。

My whole family were migrants- 在1980年代和1890年代,来自俄罗斯 - 所以也许有一些我可以与之相关的东西。
Somehow, I heard about it the previous evening … this Act was coming in and this was the last of immigrants coming in from the West Indies. So I went down and took some pictures. Their families paid quite a lot of money to pay for their brightest child to come to the UK.
我有相机 - 一个徕卡和一个rolleiflex - 我只是把一些电影放进去了,我从来没有习惯用闪光拍摄,我一直认为是更好的做事方式。我总共花了大约40次射击。
Click on the gallery to see more images by Howard Grey.

The atmosphere was quite subdued, quiet.你有笑声......他们可以看到他们的亲戚来,但有障碍。由于所有行李,障碍阻止了他们上去了。所有行李都被拿出了货物货车,因为他们称之为它,并被放在平台上......但它非常安静。整件事是忧虑的。
What I’ve since discovered is these young men were the sons of middle-class people in the West Indies. They were doctors or solicitors or big businessmen, so they paid for their children to go and have a new life, for the most part.
Click on the gallery to see more images by Howard Grey.
I just went in amongst everybody and even went on the train and in a taxi. I used up all the film I had and I came home. I developed straight away. I went back to work and used their darkrooms to process the negatives. I saw that I’d got a complete failure …
否定我永远无法打印......The negatives were developed and when you held them up to the light, you knew by experience there was no detail in the shadows … Waterloo station didn’t in those days have an almost white or buff floor – it was dark tarmac so there was just nothing there. I saw these negatives and … cut them up and put them in a negative bag and that was it. They didn’t get thrown out. This is the miracle.
How on Earth could anybody with that training of that period know that the pictures were there? The imagery was there but we couldn’t see it? There was no digitising.
In 2014, it was Tomorrow’s World or an equivalent on television … Pictures were now zeros and ones in codes and they had this machine that could make a picture from a digital signal coming from outer space. I wondered, ‘if I did scan these negatives in, maybe something will pop up'. Even if you couldn’t see it with the eye … the density of the negatives where the light had hit the film, it must have changed even though they can’t be extracted from each picture frame.
Of course, everything was there.
I had no concept of legacy until two or three years ago. Nowadays, I’m absolutely delighted. I’m flabbergasted that I had the pictures, albeit hidden for all that time. Also, it’s amazing that I was not aware of the importance of that period. I wasn’t. And I’m just amazed that I should have done all that.
I could never see they would ever be important,即移民将成为一个问题,这项技术是这样我得到了这些照片。
My profile was the human condition and going about their daily lives.