The iconic Glenfinnan viaduct joined landmarks across Britain turning blue to show public support forNational Health Service职工待遇冠状病毒patients.

在《哈利波特》系列电影中出演的苏格兰21拱高架桥,与格拉斯哥的SSE Hydro和福尔柯克的Kelpies等著名场馆和景点一起,以NHS的颜色点亮,向医护人员抗击病毒的努力致敬。


The illumination of the structure was organised by Martin Whyte of events company舞台组and echoes wider similar activities undertaken by the entertainment industry in this unprecedented state of enforced inaction.

Gallery: the Glenfinnan Viaduct in NHS blue

Martin Whyte of the Stage Group said: “We feel a huge sense of responsibility for the mental well being of many people within our industry, who have lost their jobs and have nothing to do. Lighting the Viaduct gives us something practical to focus on and utilises our skills for something that will be appreciated by all of our key workers.


Alan Ross, director of engineering and asset management at Network Rail, said: “We are delighted to be working with the Stage Group to illuminate Glenfinnan Viaduct as a gesture of support for the vital and fantastic work that the NHS is doing to help tackle the coronavirus.

“We are grateful to those in the NHS and all of the key workers across the country who are playing, and will continue to play, a massive role in supporting us all as the country continues to respond to this pandemic.”


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