我们帮助您自信地使用铁路 - 通过一系列措施来保持您的安全大流行病。
They include extra staff to help guide you through stations, and vending machines atBritain's biggest stations,您可以在那里购买面部覆盖物和手动Saniser。
我们努力使火车站和设施保持最卫生,为每个人使用车站和员工 - 自大流行开始以来的卫生态度。
The number of station staff has also increased to give you information, encourage you to wear face coverings and help you travel safely.
If you or the people you live with have symptoms of covid-19 (coronavirus) or are self-isolating, you should stay at home.
有关最新的旅行咨询访问National Rail Enquiries.

- Vending machines installed at the railway由网络铁路工作人员直接管理的电台 - 该国最大的站点亚搏彩票软件官网那including伦敦滑铁卢那London King’s Crossand伯明翰新街– so您可以购买面部覆盖物,手套,抗菌湿巾和手动Saniser
- 21-day cycle of Zoono –防病毒治疗,可保护表面长达30天- 到所有触摸点和卫生地区,以及在连续循环上额外的触点清洁不少于四小时,保护污染的风险
- 单向系统和地板贴纸installed to help you navigate stations in a controlled way
- 250 hand sanitiser stationsintroduced at managed stations
- Queuing systems必要时限制厕所中的人数
- 标记为不使用的小隔间,小便池,水槽和干燥器,new signage installed, to maintain social distancing
- Seating in stations and waiting rooms altered to支持社会疏远
We're reminding you to take the following steps:
- 除非您豁免,否则佩戴脸部覆盖,除非您豁免 - 例如,幼儿,可见或隐藏的残疾人以及呼吸困难的人
- 尽可能维持距离别人的距离
- 如果可以,避免高峰时间,并在更安静的时期旅行
- 保持良好的手卫生。
Gallery: station staff and social distancing measures during the pandemic
首席执行官Andrew Haines铁路网络,sa亚搏彩票软件官网id: “I would like to thank passengers for following Government advice over the last few months. By only travelling if absolutely necessary, you have helped us to operate a reliable service for critical workers – such as doctors, nurses, carers and supermarket workers – who have needed to travel, and to keep the country connected by moving goods such as food and medicine by rail freight.