We manage trees, shrubs and plants by our railway for the safety of passengers and railway workers. We plan vegetation management carefully and with consideration.

Our programme of management is planned well before work begins on site – sometimes years in advance – for the least disruption tolineside neighbourswildlife.

We receive many enquiries about our vegetation work and know that the decisions we take are important, especially for our lineside neighbours – anyone who lives, or runs a business, within 500 metres of the railway.

Keeping lineside neighbours involved in vegetation management

Co-ordinated effort

Vegetation management is a co-ordinated effort between different professionals within our teams: maintenance teams regularly cut back plants that are growing too close to the trains, whereas teams including specialist tree workers will carry out larger scale felling work.

Vegetation management explained: what we do and why

Trees and the railway

Watch the video below to see how we manage vegetation before electrifying a railway line.