To mark the day, backed by the全球回收基金会, we're sharing some of our recent efforts to reduce waste across the railway …
Reuse, recycle or redeploy
We're aiming toreuse, recycle or redeploy all our nonhazardous infrastructure materials by 2029.
Running Britain's railway produces a lot of waste – 2.1 million tonnes in
We have to use less and manage unavoidable waste better. We have a huge opportunity to contribute to a more circular economy. This means extracting fewer virgin resources from the planet, and keeping materials and resources in circulation and waste to an absolute minimum. This action will also help us significantly reduce our carbon

Meanwhile, in October我们在应对气候变化方面迈出了重要一步by becoming the world's first railway company to set最雄心勃勃的科学目标限制全球变暖。
基于科学的目标倡议, backed by the联合国,独立验证了我们的目标和实现目标的计划。这意味着我们是第一家致力于减少碳排放的铁路公司,碳排放将气温限制在1.5摄氏度。这甚至比科学家们宣称的满足这一要求所需的两个学位还要低巴黎协定,一个避免危险气候变化的全球框架。

In September, we encouraged coffee-loving commuters to ‘sip, save and recycle' their cups at Britain's biggest and busiest railway stations.
You can use the bright orange bins to recycle any paper coffee cups during your journey. The recycled cups are turned into up-cycled reusable cups and other products, including tissue and packaging. This encourages a circular economy as well as reduces waste.
We launched支持儿童在家学习和减少浪费的计划!
The project aims to donate more than 8,000 laptops to schools in Britain over the next year.
Nominations for schools from Network Rail employees are processed by a team of volunteers who work with the schools to deliver this initiative.

All change at Swansea
Construction of a new, longer platform four at Swansea railway station got underway in March after a month of demolition work to remove and recycle the old one.
The new platform will be 260m long, 13m longer than the original, to allow train operator西部大铁路的新城际特快列车到达和离开它。它是车站现代化和改善乘客体验计划的关键部分。
To make way for the new structure, contractor阿伦格里菲斯从现场清除了2400吨拆迁垃圾。它把钢铁送到斯旺西和布里奇德的回收中心,把混凝土送到兰内利的阿伦格里菲斯回收中心。

Our progress in numbers

So far in the 2020 to 2021 year we have achieved:
- 1,006,377 tonnes recycled (70% of total waste) in total
- 1,182 tonnes recycled by the stations we own and directly manage
- 1,161 tonnes recycled by our offices
- 905,240 tonnes recycled by Route Services, which serves the needs of our various routes.
- 67,103 tonnes of recycled rail
- 80 tonnes of recycled concrete sleepers
- 69,879 tonnes of recycled ballast – the stones on the track bed.