作为英国最大的土地所有者之一,我们有a responsibility to help protect and improve biodiversity near the railway。
Here are five times we’ve helped different wildlife across the country:
Crayfish in Cumbria
这个月,我们强化了一个173岁的铁路bridge to provide more reliable railway for passengers. In the process, we helped protect endangered crayfish in Lambrigg, Cumbria.
我们需要修理和加强由于水侵蚀而上市的Docker Garths高架桥。

Our teams moved 200 endangered white clawed crayfish and another 400 fish downstream.
White clawed crayfish have almost been wiped out after American signal crayfish were introduced into the UK in the 1970s. The latter were intended as food for trout farms but escaped into the wild.
The larger, invasive species competes for the same food and carries a disease deadly to the native crayfish.
No river wide enough

彼得伯勒的一条新河,为轨道改进而制造了空间 - 受到保护的水生野生动物和罕见的飞蛾。
It features shallow sections of water known as riffles and side pools for refuge during storms. We have also included soft bank ledges to help vegetation.
它遵循了radical project to move a river in Devon last year, reducing the long-term risks of erosion, protectingbiodiversityand providing better land access.
虽然美丽,铁路旁边的河Taw往往洪水。Fixing the problem and securing the railway meant careful consideration for the biodiversity.
We reinstated habitats for local wildlife and provided a safer exit route for livestock, which had previously been at risk of becoming stranded in floods.
We save a rare moth
Network Rail andButterfly Conservationjoined forces in the Highlands in 2016 to create a new habitat for one of Britain’s rarest moths.
The small dark yellow underwing can only be found in Scotland and 90% of all sightings are recorded within theCairngorms国家公园。However, dwindling and no adult moths were seen at all between 2011 and 2014.


We came up with a new way of protecting badgers living by the railway while keeping an upgrade project on track.
2016年夏季,我们曾在伦敦利物浦街和Southend Victoria之间建立了建筑,这将携带新的高架电线,使铁路对乘客更加可靠。
该结构需要深深的基础安装支持架空电线的龙头 - 可能在该地区威胁獾的工作。
这是在像这样的项目的早期阶段进行生态调查的标准做法。然而,我们不使用申请许可证移动獾的许可证,我们将详细信息从调查发送给项目团队,因此设计师可以决定我们应该在哪里建立基础 - 让獾不受影响。
The same year, we built special habitats for newts, reptiles, badgers, bats and swallows beside the railway during a major upgrade in Oxford.
First ospreys in 400 years
Three osprey chicks hatched in 2011 after the project gave the birds nesting sites close to the railway in the Dyfi area, near Machynlleth.
Network Rail sponsored an HD camera link to the remote nest for 24-hour monitoring, protecting it from thieves, and enabling footage streaming to a visitor centre and worldwide.
Network Rail escorted experts to the site to fit the birds with solar-powered satellite trackers to capture their annual migration to Africa. All British-bred ospreys move south to Africa after the breeding season, with most wintering in Senegal and The Gambia.