信令is a crucial part of the railway infrastructure, enabling trains to move safely around the network.
What is signalling?
信令is essentially a sophisticated traffic light system for the railway. The complexities of moving trains around such a large network, keeping them safely apart, and allowing for their long stopping distances, means the signalling system is very complicated and comprises a great many parts.
The signals themselves are the lineside pieces of equipment that tell train drivers when it is safe to proceed and what route their train will take.
Signals and points
Modern signalling systems provide the necessary information to the driver on displays in the train cab.

The loss of vital data, such as the exact position of trains or the status of the track ahead, results in delays because the system can only allow train movements when it knows it is safe to do so.
So, when a signalling system fails, is it possible to switch it off and turn it back on again? Sometimes, yes, but very often it is a component that needs to be located alongside the track which has failed. These failures require staff to physically access and repair the component, which all takes time.
Meanwhile, multiple trains will have been stopped by red signals and so it’s not necessarily a quick fix to get the things moving again.
Points failure –A fault with the movable pieces of track or their operating equipment that enable trains to change tracks. Points are interlocked with signals, so you can’t tell a train to proceed if the points have failed.

电源(检测)失败 -A national grid problem or an issue with the power supply’s backup system. They often occur in places where our cables are older or have been stolen. Power failures can affect systems covering a very large area.
火车/轨道检测失败 -用于检测每个轨道上的列车的系统的失败。
Extreme heat –非常高的温度会影响信号系统,导致它们关闭。它们还可以影响火车检测系统。
有缺陷的组件 -所有类型的电子,电气和机械部件中的故障都可能导致系统故障。完整的系统由数千个单独的组件组成,并不总是可能的复制。
Signals– the lineside pieces of equipment that tell drivers if they can pass safely.
驾驶室信令– a signalling system where the indication to proceed is given to the driver on a display within the cab rather than by lineside signals.
信令- 控制火车运动的更广泛的系统。
Points- 可移动的开关轨道,可直接在连接线上进行火车,通常由信号系统控制。
火车检测- 确定一段曲目是否清除或占用火车的系统。