Sharon Salmon是英国国营铁路公司(Network Rail)的黑人、亚裔和少数民亚搏彩票软件官网族(BAME)员工网络“文化融合”(Cultural Fusion)的联席主席,该网络旨在认识多元化劳动力的好处。她认为,个人和分享的经验有助于培养一个更加开放和包容的工作环境。
Diversity and inclusion引导新的想法,尤其是当人们觉得可以挑战现状时。英国国营铁路公司(networkrail)的商业分析师沙伦(Sharon)加入了文化融合(Cultural Fusion),该公司表示,该公司“拥抱差异,有所作为”,认为有必要在该公司实现积极的变革。亚搏彩票软件官网
文化融合是标志Race Equality Week, which seeks to address race in the workplace. It’s a UK-wide event that aims to unite, hundreds of people and organisations and individuals to discuss the barriers facing race equality at work, backed by community interest company种族平等很重要.
The events of last year, including the Black Lives Matter movement, have “heightened public consciousness of race inequality,” Race Equality Matters says on its website.
文化融合是supporting Diversity and Inclusion and our wider business throughout the week, and is inviting colleagues to take part in a live event, which will include discussions on micro-aggressions, white privilege and how to be anti-racist.
Five years of progress
文化融合是one of six employee networks at Network Rail. 从2013年开始,该组织只有两名成员,到去年已发展到约540名成员。
It’s an important part of our diversity strategy, helping it reach about 40,000 employees across Britain. Sharon said Cultural Fusion aimed to help “create an organisation that fully embraces diversity and equality in which everyone feels valued and feels the opportunity to excel without limitations”.
It’s making headway, working alongside Loraine Martins (pictured right), Network Rail’s director of diversity and inclusion, who was awarded an MBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours lists 2012, for her work at the Olympic Deliver Authority. At the ODA she led the equality, inclusion, employment and skills during the development, design and construction of the Olympic Park and venues and facilities for London 2012.

“The BAME Network is for everyone who wants to join and you do not have to be from a BAME background to join. The power of coming together really helps us to create a community and help support each other.” – Sharon Salmon, Cultural Fusion co-chair
为纪念成立五周年,该组织举行了一次领导层会议,其中包括特邀发言人奥利夫·埃辛(Olive Essien)的演讲,他是英国皇家迫害局(CPS)的一名律师。奥利夫曾与伦敦警察局合作,研究斯蒂芬·劳伦斯谋杀案的制度化种族主义。在演讲中,她谈到了自己作为CPS黑人和少数民族网络主席的角色。
The next generation
文化融合与人力资源密切合作茶ms to support improvements to the talent schemes, ensuring they appeal to all young people, regardless of ethnicity, race, or social background.