是什么喜欢的Network Rail apprentice?我们与一年的学徒Keneefia Parker交谈了关于“无限”的职业机会以及迎接伦敦地平线最美丽的景色。

Watch Keneefia in this video:

“Keep studying and keep pushing.”



Network Rail has ranked among the best apprenticeship employers in England for 2020 – find out more



I am a track apprentice. Every day is a different day. Our main job is to maintain the railway, so that can lead from doing surveying to making sure the spacing of the railway is correct… on to heavy maintenance, which is to replace any defects we see, welding, the list goes on…


The first year is more theory-based because you spend six months doing theory here at Westwood but the second half – the next six months – you pretty much get out there, put everything you learned into practice.

The second year is more focused on completing certain jobs, getting your competencies, and just trying to get as much experience as you can in different pathways.

How will it feel when you finish your apprenticeship?


You didn’t go to university?

After A Levels, I knew uni wasn’t for me. I ended up taking a gap year and in that gap year I looked around for different apprenticeships and none of them really spoke to me.

My dad was an engineer and he inspired me to become an engineer. I was really adamant I must do something within the engineering industry. His friend had told me about Network Rail … and I’m here today.

Keenefia Parker, apprentice

My parents were very much uni-driven … it was like uni was the best way forward. I had to tell them, ‘uni’s not for everyone’ and I had to show them and keep pushing and I guess I’ve proven them wrong.



得到大学的感觉,特别是当你走他re, the studying, the meeting people from different parts of England, it’s amazing, really.

The best part of it is you’re getting paid to study so I tell anyone who wants to do an apprenticeship or doesn’t know if uni’s for them to follow their gut feelings and if it’s not for you, always try a different route because you never know, you might end up exactly where you need to be.

When you get your first pay cheque, it reassures you you’re meant to be here.




Apprentice training centre breakout area
Westwood, our apprentices training centre, where Keneefia lived and worked for the first six months of her apprenticeship

What do your friends think of your career?


What was the first thing you ever fixed?

My dad always told me to come and help him fix certain things, like wiring in the house … My dad does a lot of wiring, technical stuff, so I think the very first thing I wired together was a fire system in my house, which was un.

Confusing at first but fun overall, just to spend some time with my dad and figure out what kind of discipline I wanted to get into. I was around about the age of 13 … I felt proud of myself, I was like, ‘if I can do this, I can do anything’.

Did you have a role model growing up?

[My dad has] always been that person for me because he was basically the first out of my family to enter the Army and do engineering so my dad was very much my role model growing up and still is today.

What did you enjoy studying at school?


The theory behind it as well … When you figure out how matter works and alpha and beta, all of those things … Keep studying and keep pushing because you’ll find your interest in there somewhere.




The way technology is always advancing. Who doesn’t want to be on that wave of understanding? Infrastructure is also growing … For me, when I’m on the route, I like to look at things and say, ‘how do they do that?’


I’m only doing night shifts when I work on track. The best part of it are the views that I get to see on track … It’s the peace you get at night you’re working that you don’t get so much in the morning … To be working at night, I’m at my best; I’m heightened then.


What’s your favourite view from the railway?

The London Eye and Big Ben. I was working at Charing Cross on the bridge and was just walking past over the Thames, it was a sight for sore eyes. Just all the lights lit up – you don’t really get that type of view anywhere so just to see that, it’s kind of amazing.

For me, when I’m walking on track or when I’m doing something, I’m always at peace of mind. I’m just consolidating my week, my day, it’s much more than just a bit of grease on your hands, wearing heavy PPE and the rain. It makes you very happy.

Gallery: Westwood, our apprentices training centre in Coventry

What jobs opportunities are there after the apprenticeship scheme?

My line manager as well as the apprentices before me say that I’m not just limited to just track. Some of them have on to team leader, to section managers, which is quite inspiring ‘cause just knowing there are different opportunities you can take, it’s amazing. This is a career that is limitless in terms of where you want to go and where you want to be.

Where do you see yourself in five years?

在五年的时间里,我想与[移动运营经理]一起使用。They deal with accidents on the railway … Growing up, I always enjoyed helping others, trying to make the world a better place … It’s still to do with track engineering but it also deals a lot with helping others as well so I feel like that’s my home place to be.




在铁路上为数不多的黑人女性,it’s hard sometimes to relate to a lot of other people based on how I’ve grown up and all of that. To get more Black females especially on the railway would be something I would love to see, to see them progress and become something inspirational to other Black ladies … For diversity on the railway, that would mean a lot to me.


Read more:

The Network Rail apprenticeship scheme – apply now for March 2021

Advice on applying for the Network Rail apprenticeship scheme

Keneefia Stars在改变游戏 - 黑色历史月的电影


Early careers

