Cable theft costs us, and therefore ultimately the taxpayer, millions of pounds each year.

The total cost to the economy is even higher – taking into account the impact of freight delays to power stations and supermarkets, and on passengers who miss appointments or have their day ruined.


Britain’s rail network is designed to fail safe, which means that when a cable is cut, trains are brought to a standstill. This protects passengers but can lead to lengthy, frustrating delays while the problem is found and fixed safely.


擅自进入铁路illegal and dangerous.You could be taken to court and face a £1000 fine.

The dangers of trespass




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How we're preventing cable theft, and more information about the Scrap Metal Dealers Act 2013

电缆盗窃不仅会导致轨道网络的显着延迟和取消,但任何窃取电缆的尝试也是令人难以置信的危险,并且任何寻求这样做的人都会造成严重伤害 - 甚至通过电局会造成严重伤害。



Members of the public can also play their part in the fight against cable theft. You are our eyes and ears on the network, so I would urge everyone – particularly commuters, regular passengers and those that live near the railway – to be vigilant and report any suspicious activity, people or vehicles near the railway. If it looks or feels out of place, it probably is.

来自主动CID团队,英国运输警察的警长Ben Randall-Webb