政府的承诺后£80m on a new sea wall in Dawlish, the Devon town’s coastline is undergoing a mighty transformation.
In May 2019 Network Rail started construction and去年7月完成了第一部分。新的更大的海洋墙是由铁路部长正式开放去年9月和沿着Dawlish站西边的海洋游行跑了360米,给出了铁路线的标志性的延伸线立即更加弹性,对抗轨道的波浪,导致潜在的封闭和延误。
Dramatic pictures during construction showed the wall’s effectiveness with waves crashing over the top of the wall where the wave returns had not been installed but successfully being deflected back out to sea, where the curved panels were in place. Further storms since completion of the first phase have seen the track remain protected along this section but still be flooded on the east side of the station, where work on the second section of new sea wall is ongoing.
在努力工作新海墙的第二部分去年11月开始了并且正在进步。这项工作的一个主要方面涉及使用创新的八条腿,独立的行走jack-up驳船,被称为“Wavewalker”。自11月以来,“Wavewalker” - 这是欧洲唯一的一种 - 已被用来帮助在海面墙上提供打桩。
“Wavewalker”在Dawlish的时间很快就会以2月中旬之前完成的打桩工作结束。一旦安装了所有桩,工作的下一阶段将涉及“填补”桩 - 以防止侵蚀 - 然后开始安装墙板和混凝土回填。
As part of the designs, the new sea wall will also improve passengers’ experience and access at Dawlish station through a new footbridge with lifts, whilst providing local residents and visitors to Dawlish with a high-level, wider and safer promenade and pedestrian access to the beach.
The new sea wall at Dawlish is part of Network Rail’s ongoing efforts since 2014 to improve the resilience of the railway between Dawlish and Teignmouth in Devon, known as the西南铁路弹性计划。
网络轨道的临时西路路线总监克亚搏彩票软件官网里斯皮尔斯说:“We are really pleased with the progress we have made in Dawlish. Many will remember the significant damage to the railway in 2014 and the impact it had on Dawlish and the wider south west, and the work we are continuing to do in Dawlish will protect the town and region for at least the next 100 years.
“It has been great to see the interest of the local community in our project – particularly the presence of the Wavewalker – which has ensured we’ve managed to continue with the piling at the sea wall despite some of the stormy weather we’ve recently experienced.”
铁路部长克里斯·赫里桑 - 哈里斯说:“2014年,Dawlish造成了对海面的伤害导致了全国各地的冲击波,这是一个巨大的工程壮举,可以让新的结构到今天的地方。
“There are two million people across the south west peninsula who would be adversely affected if the railway was damaged again by extreme weather, and this is why the work Network Rail is doing is so important.”
Anne Marie Morris,纽顿Abbot,评论:“这个项目是关键任务,而不仅仅是为了DAWLish,而是对于西南部的更广泛的社区。亚博账号登录进度网络轨道已成为现象,我亚搏彩票软件官网令人难以置信。“
Dawlish市长Alison Foden补充说:“这项工作对DAFLish至关重要。我们是一个海滨小镇,铁路是我们独特的卖点之一,并且在艾斯曼德王国布鲁内尔建造了这条美丽的铁路时,我们的历史。
4月份的轨道重新开放 - 暴风雨损坏后八周 - 当时的总理大卫卡梅伦描述为“赫克西努力”其中300个网络铁路工程师的团队工作了一天和亚搏彩票软件官网夜晚,重建轨道并恢复铁路。