Looming lockdown lift sparks youth rail safety warning.
这就是我们和的原因British Transport Policeare urging parents and guardians to talk to teenagers about rail safety and the devastating potential impact of trespass to them, friends and family, and the wider community. It comes ahead of the Easter school holiday and the easing of lockdown restrictions.
Alarmingly, the numbers increased most sharply in the under 18s age group. There were 2,087 child trespass incidents between July and December, a 40% increase on the same period in 2019.
一个新的你与火车电影 - 并行线 - 已经推出了让孩子们思考侵犯可能对他们的后果,他们所爱的人更广泛的社区:
“I was burnt from head to toe.”
Nadia Sawalha, television personality and a mother of two, said: “As a Mum of two teenage girls, and we are all keen train travellers in my family, I was so shocked to discover the rise in youth trespass incidents since the easing of the first lockdown. I think I naively thought this was something that happened more when we were kids and had somehow magically disappeared.

“Trespassing might seem like harmless daredevil fun to some children, but of course it most definitely is not! That’s why it’s so important for us as parents, to have the conversation explaining the devastating consequences railway trespassing can have.
“I’ve sat down with my girls to make sure they know that trespassing can not only harm them and their loved ones, but also harm those they wouldn’t even think of, like the rail staff who might be left devastated by any incident, even a near miss. Let’s all have the conversation guys. It could save lives.”
艾伦·斯宾塞,公众和乘客安全at Network Rail, said: “These are truly worrying figures. The number of young people going on the tracks had been going down since we launched the You vs Train campaign in 2018. But lifting the lockdown restrictions in 2020 has reversed that trend. We cannot afford to see this continue.

“Every time someone strays onto the railway they are putting themselves at risk of serious, life-threatening injury.
“Trespassing on the railway can have serious, life-changing consequences for the individual, their loved ones and the wider community. Please, make sure you know the rail safety basics and pass that knowledge onto your loved ones. Lead by example and stay off the tracks.”
You vs Train campaign
侵入是网络轨道严重关切的原因,这就是我们创造的原因亚搏彩票软件官网You vs Train campaign在2018年夏天,与英国运输警方。主要集中在年轻人身上,自竞选介绍以来,铁路的事件数量显着下降。
To help combat the expected seasonal climb in trespass, a new You vs Train film – Parallel Lines – has launched to get children to not only think about the devastating consequences that their actions can have on them and their loved ones, but the wider, sometimes hidden harm caused to the community, in particular to rail staff.
The new film will be streamed into schools on 18 March as part of a rail safety broadcast by Network Rail’s education partner – LearnLive. Further information, including how to sign up for the broadcast, can be found on the学习网站.

You can find information on the dangers of railway trespass and the new campaign film on the你vs火车网站.