
Research and development teams across the rail industry are doing just that, thinking about the needs of passengers and businesses in 30 years’ time and even further ahead, and considering how the railway can adapt through innovation to meet these requirements.

Watch the video below to see how the future might look.

This video, produced alongside the铁路技术策略当它在2012年发布时,展示了彻底不同的铁路服务如何使用现有的轨道基础设施,具有舒适的节能列车,能够在网络上进行更近的方式传播。


A strong, collaborative partnership, with representation from across the rail industry and supply chain, including Network Rail, is working to make this vision a reality through the Rail Technical Strategy能力交付计划[PDF]。

Our plans to make this happen form key themes in the Safety, Technical and Engineering part of our recently publishedCP6的战略业务计划, enabling intelligent operations through the数字铁路and building new technical capability through the Capability Delivery Plan.

Our Safety, Technical and Engineering strategic plan

Visionary plan

The Capability Delivery Plan is a long-term vision and action plan for integrating new technologies into the railway to address the challenges of rapid growth and changing customer expectations.


12个关键功能将技术与RTS Vision的开发,部署和交付保持一致:

  1. Running trains closer together
  2. Minimal disruption to train services
  3. Efficient passenger flow through stations and trains
  4. More value from data
  5. Optimum energy use
  6. More space on trains
  7. 服务定时到第二个
  8. 智能列车
  9. Personalised customer experience
  10. 灵活的运费
  11. Low-cost railway solutions
  12. 加速研究,开发和技术部署

The Technical Leadership Group (TLG), chaired by Network Rail’s group director for Safety, Technical and Engineering, Graham Hopkins, owns the RTS and leads its delivery, reporting to the Rail Delivery Group in partnership with the Rail Supply Group.

A range of future scenarios are possible and adapting Rail Technical Strategy related programmes and activities to fit is an ongoing, organic process.

More detail about the Capability Delivery Plan[PDF]


Our strategy for research, development and technology

Research, development and technology at Network Rail
