Archivist Vicky Stretch introduces the wealth of historical information available to help run the railway – and how we look after it.
Today’s railway relies on big data, live feeds, 3D modelling, online tools, instant access and GPS.
The railway produces a vast amount of digital information – all in zeros and ones, stored on cloud-based servers and transmitted down high-speed internet cable to handheld devices.

Records management for the digital age
The home of this railway record is Network Rail’s National Records Centre, where records are kept safe and secure until needed. Although it is a state of the art archive repository on the outskirts of York, it is not a museum to the railway’s hardcopy information age.
Here we manage the handover and handback of millions of digital records relating to the railway infrastructure every year. We support colleagues using digital content management systems for the management of corporate records. We are the repository of data sets that power new信令系统和我们发出安全访问代码ertms..
We can also take our papers and parchments and digitally scan them – turning them into ones and zeros for instant access to information and collaboration between colleagues.
国家纪录集团管理四个不同的集合:工程;信令;契约的铁路登记处和Corporate Archive.
信令集合主要是数字化的,并非常关注今天在运行中的内容。在历史信息方面,否则很少有 - 除非a信号盒正在关闭,然后我们将保留与框的最后一个配置有关的图纸。
The civil engineering collection is very different and is much more like a jigsaw. It dates back to the 19th century and the earliest days of the railway. Drawings can be pieced together to tell the story of the development of the infrastructure; a particular bridge, station or tunnel.

Railway bridges, tunnels and viaducts today
The collection is primarily 19th century – the railway company bought the land and it often hasn’t changed hands since – but pre-title documents inherited by the railway company when they bought the land means the collection actually dates back to the 16th century and has a rich seam of royalty, dukes, duchesses, prime ministers and prominent figures from history represented throughout it.
The majority of railway land is unregistered, so this registry of deeds proves our ownership of the operational railway estate. It also protects our rights, assigns responsibility for liabilities and is crucial in just about every part of maintaining, operating and developing the railway.
网络铁路亚搏彩票软件官网公司档案主要是数字化的,是公司成立以来的永久记录,因为它是在2002年成立的。我们被要求保留现代商业档案,因为主要的商业记录和行政分钟,主要项目文件,运营记录和沟通例如 - 所有物料都在铁路遗产法下指定。
Our ‘engineering inheritance’
除此之外,我管理了我所谓的“工程遗产”的档案。这是一系列选定的图纸,代表了铁路基础设施工程中最重要的历史发展,最多标志性的结构和站and the most杰出工程师.
例如,我们将乘坐像伦敦Waterloo这样的车站,我们将研究其历史,以确定车站的发展中的关键点。然后,我们将检索车站的所有图纸 - 可以很有数千个 - 并识别讲述故事的关键图。然后,我们将这些图纸纳入常驻公司档案的工程继承集合中。
没有选择的那些图纸 - 例如,1983年的厕所小隔间 - 仍然是由网络轨道保留的,因为它们可能包含有关该示例中排水的重要信息,但它们并不撒上允许它们在其中有一个地方的魔法亚搏彩票软件官网历史性收藏。
然后节省了绘图 - 我们收到了慷慨的补助金Railway Heritage Trust这有助于这项工作 - 然后拍照,以便以不同的方式使用来支持业务。
历史文件有助于我们制作铁路xinyabo体育 ;它使我们能够清楚地对活动作出反应,并通知长期规划和major projects.
It helps us to be more open about the challenges we face in delivering thebiggest investment in the railway since Victorian times.
Externally, historical documentation helps us support our stakeholders with their interest in the railway infrastructure, and it helps individuals and groups explore the elements of railway infrastructure for their own knowledge and learning.
那么,虽然Britain runs on rail,很明显铁路在历史信息上非常努力。
Open data feeds from the railway
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