Young people have seen their mental health deteriorate the most since the pandemic began, according to research from Network Rail and national mental health charityChasing the Stigma.
Almost three quarters of 18-24-year-olds (69%) say covid-19 has had a negative impact on their mental health compared with 28% of over 65s. Meanwhile, almost half of Brits (48%) agreed their mental health had taken a hit since the pandemic began.
The research was carried out as part of our new There is Always Hope campaign aimed at encouraging those struggling with their mental health to seek help before they reach crisis point.
任何与他们的心理健康挣扎的人都可以下载Hub of Hope app在追逐耻辱的网站上或www.hubofhope.co.uk.
The app also has a现在需要帮助吗?button that links straight through to Samaritans and Crisis Text Line.
We've partnered with Chasing the Stigma to create a new film about how there are people around you who care and there is always hope – no matter how desperate you may feel:
The study of more than 2,000 GB adults by research agency Yonder shows the pandemic has also had a significant impact on students, with 64% claiming it has affected their mental health, along with 65% of those who identify as being LGBT+.
英国国营铁路公司(networkrail)首席执行官安德鲁•海恩斯(亚搏彩票软件官网Andrew Haines)表示:“我们有巨大的责任保障人们的安全,保障员工和乘客的福祉。
“通过这个活动,我们正试图帮助vulnerable people who are at risk before they even come to the rail network by signposting them towards support services through the Hub of Hope.”

《追杀耻辱》的创始人兼首席执行官杰克·米尔斯(Jake Mills)出演了《总有希望》这部电影。杰克建立了慈善机构,并在自杀未遂后发展了希望中心。他通过自己的亲身经历了解到,许多人不知道如何处理自己的心理健康问题,他想为其他发现自己处于类似情况的人提供支持。
Jake said: “Mental health has never been more important, especially as the results show the covid-19 pandemic is having a real impact on people, particularly young adults, across the UK.
The research also found:
- one in 10 have accessed mental health support during the pandemic (9%)
- social isolation has been felt by almost half of respondents (43%)
- three quarters of those who struggled before the pandemic say their mental health has got worse
- 超过三分之一(36%)的人在流感大流行之前没有与自己的精神健康作斗争,但他们从流感开始就这样做了
- a quarter said they have had more time to devote to hobbies and interests
- 只有不到一半的人担心经济(42%)。
The latest campaign forms part of the rail industry’s efforts to reduce suicides across the rail network. Suicide is sadly an ongoing challenge faced by us, train operating companies and the英国交通警察. 我们正在共同努力,采取持续的措施来防止此类事件的发生,包括培训数千名行业员工和开展诸如闲聊拯救生命它呼吁人们互相注意,如果看到有人可能会帮忙,就安全地进行干预。