Mike O'Connor,在网络轨道路线环境专家亚搏彩票软件官网
There has been much on the alarming decline in our bees, butterflies and other insect pollinators, and a welcome response in the form of a new ‘Protection of Pollinators Bill’, which represents a real opportunity to make our countryside and urban environments much more pollinator-friendly.
Network Rail has been working on a range of initiatives across the country aimed at protecting pollinators, which are crucial to a healthy environment – almost 90% of the world’s flowering plants depend on visits made by pollinators. This army is also sustains human populations – the health of pollinators is correlated with our agricultural output.
昆虫镇定者的衰落威胁着我们的健康状况和我们自然环境的健康。衰退率确实是令人担忧的原因 - 人口尺寸在超过三分之二的英国的粉丝师中,35种蜜蜂独自灭绝。驾驶这一消失的因素包括自20世纪40年代以来广泛的野花草地破坏,过度使用农药,疾病和寄生虫。
- 植被,特别是野花的形式,为成年人提供花粉和花蜜来源。
- Habitat for pollinators that end a complete lifecycle – food and breeding or nesting opportunities, as well as shelter.
- Habitat that functions as a dispersal corridor, facilitating movement of pollinators through landscapes by linking fragmented habitats, and by providing refugia in otherwise inhospitable areas.

Network Rail has embarked on a journey to help pollinating insects survive and thrive:
- 坎布里亚和南约克郡的绿色传输走廊项目,其中确定了粉刷栖息地创造和增强的地方。
- 较大的西部基础设施项目计划,在其路线沿着关键地点进行野生动物。
- 泰格拉斯克基础设施项目计划还创建了一个新的踩踏者栖息地来缓冲和保护Walthamstow Marshes SSSIS,并在开发期间the Bermondsey dive under, a new railway junction to the east of London Bridge station.
这些都需要探索创造新的粉碎机栖息地的机会的第一步,并且所吸取的教训与A相关联Network Rail commitment保护主要铁路计划的生物多样性净收益。
The views expressed in this article are those of the author.