The railway is already one of the most environmentally friendly ways to travel – and we’re working hard to make it even greener.

In fact, we recently published our环境al Sustainability Strategy, which sets out our vision to serve Britain with the cleanest, greenest mass transport.

Here are six times we’ve improved sustainability around the network …

1 – Solar power at a Hampshire station


The station, on the Portsmouth line, carries services to Portsmouth Harbour and London Waterloo.



An artist's impression of the new footbridge at Liphook railway station

The project team also worked with ecologists to relocate slow worms onto nearby land, and are reusing excavated earth from the railway cutting, rather than bringing in new materials.

2 - 骑阳光

The Riding Sunbeams solar panel trial

In 2019, we worked with social enterprise骑阳光在开创性的试验中,使用太阳能部分动力铁路线。


创新方案将证明太阳能可以安全地绕过电网,以便为英国铁路的铁路的牵引系统提供直接的能量,而不会扰乱火车业务 - 世界上从未在世界其他任何地方进行的东西。


In September last year, Riding Sunbeams secured investment to help provide a commercial route to market for community energy groups looking for projects to develop and connect them to operators like Network Rail.

乘坐阳光的主任Leo Murray于2019年表示:“掀起英国最大的电力用户,铁路,与国家最喜欢的能源太阳能,看起来像是完美关系的开始。

“Helping to get the railways off fossil fuels in this way will cut running costs and benefit local communities at the same time as helping to tackle the climate crisis.”

3 - 未来的网站

A project led by us and contractor Colas Rail in May 2019 used solar lighting and power generation. This achieved a 97% diesel-free operation and prove the viability of a sustainable ‘Site of the Future’.

The major rail renewal project at Llanwern, South Wales, used solar and battery technology from Prolectric instead of diesel generators to save 6,000 litres of fuel and more than 15 tonnes of CO2超过两周。



4 – London King’s Cross


In 2018, we shared how we had begun to see tangible benefits from a range of eco-friendly initiatives it introduced at London King’s Cross railway station.


These included rainwater harvesting, water saving taps, extra insulation and 2,300 square metres of solar panels.

The solar panels were specially designed to integrate with the iconic design of the Grade I listed building and had already reduced carbon dioxide emissions at the station by more than 40 tonnes.

The panels had generated one million kilowatts of electricity, enough to power 38 homes for a full year, saving us £125,000 in utility costs.

5 - 世界上最大的太阳能桥


维多利亚桥建于1886年,是新的Blackfriars Station的基础。我们升级了车站以满足更多的乘客,并启用改进的火车服务。

A new roof, added to the historic structure, incorporated more than 6,000m2 of PV panels, creating the biggest solar array in London.

Blackfriars Bridge,配备4,400个太阳能电池板

6 – Greener, cleaner seats

Sustainable seating at London Liverpool Street station


The new furniture came with outstanding green credentials. The wooden seats themselves are oak and beech from 100% FSC certified sources. The legs are 85% recycled steel and the feet are made from recycled ocean plastic.




环境al Sustainability Strategy


Biodiversity Action Plan

Our commitment to helping biodiversity




Q and A with Michelle Chrabalowski, environment specialist

Q和A与生态学家Nathaniel Legall