“The message for anyone who goes on the railway is clear… you are on the railway, you are on dangerous ground.”

当妈妈的两个Siobhan Hubbard被告知她最小的孩子,汤姆,在铁路赛道上受到伤害,她赶到了现场 - 不知道她的儿子还活着还是死了。

在决定爬上一个停放的火车后,Tom was electrocuted by over 25,000 volts。Suffering from severe burns all over his body, he was put into an induced coma and the doctors told Siobhan to prepare herself for the worst.

Tom pulled through after numerous skin grafts and physiotherapy but four years later he is still trying to return his life to that of a typical 20-year-old.


“I often look back on that night and think if there was anything I could have done or said that could have stopped him. As a parent you think you have taught your kids about how roads, bridges and railways are dangerous places to hang out. I never thought that my 16 year old son would have done anything that would put his life at risk.







“Over the few months Tom had to endure numerous skin grafts to repair his arm, leg, neck and torso, followed by three years of painful physio to help mobilise the restrictions in his movement that the scarring was causing. It was a really tough summer for all of us. Travelling to Birmingham Queen Elizabeth Hospital every day from our home in Rugby was both emotionally and financially draining.”

Physical and mental scars



“It may sound like something your children would never do, but warning them about the dangers of the railway is vital. I don’t think young people realise the dangers and think the electricity is turned off when trains aren’t coming, or that if they look first they will be okay, even though trains can run at 140mph and can’t stop quickly. There are so many hidden dangers.

“那些在铁路上的人的信息很清楚。这不是一个操场还是短暂的切割 - 你在铁路上,你在危险的地面上。“


汤姆和他的家人已经分享了一个新的竞选故事,You Vs Train。根据汤姆的事件观看这部短片。

