We have extended our support to domestic abuse victims by leading the rail industry in implementing an在线安全空间我们网站上的服务门户。
编制人皇家邮政集团与危机慈善机构合作Hestia以及乌克兰斯诺莫尔竞选活动,在线安全空间is a virtual portal which can be installed on websites free of charge. It provides support, advice and contact services via a pop-up window, and allowing users to access resources discreetly without leaving an online history trace.
单击的主页上的“安全空间”徽标networkrail.co.ukto access an untraceable web page of support and helplines.
Through铁路妇女,我们与包括铁路运营商在内的早期采用者聚集在一起High Speed 1 (HS1)列车司机东南铁路我们现在正在鼓励铁路行业的其他人在他们的网站上实施这项服务。
Since the lockdown began in March 2020, reports of domestic abuse in the UK have increased dramatically, with charityRefuge在其网站上报告的电话和在线请求增加了25%。
In November 2020, we became a英国白丝带-accredited organisation, demonstrating our commitment to influencing collective action to change the behaviour and culture that leads to abuse or violence.

Andrew Haines, chief executive of Network Rail, said: “We are delighted to support the Online Safe Spaces portal by making it available on our website. The pandemic is having a huge impact on our country’s most vulnerable and this platform will be a vital resource for those who may be subjected to domestic abuse.”
“我们希望确保我们的车站与entire passenger journey is a safe environment for those who need it. Through leading by example, I hope we can influence others to take part, support communities and make a greater stand against violence and domestic abuse.”
David Statham, managing director of Southeastern Railway, said: “This is an extension to the support we and other train operators have already pledged in this area. TheOnline Safe Spaceportal could help save a life or offer an opportunity for a way out. It’s simple, it’s discreet and provides information such as national helplines and local support services very quickly, without leaving an online trace.
“Often, a passenger journey starts online, with booking tickets and researching fares and train times. Providing discretion and support at the beginning of that journey could make a difference. And this difference takes an industry effort.”
如果您需要,我们鼓励您在其站点寻求帮助。这是除了Rail to Refuge这项倡议是铁路公司和妇女援助组织的一项联合努力,目的是让火车运营商支付前往避难所的妇女、男子和儿童的火车票费用。自2020年4月以来,该计划已帮助近1000人逃离虐待,其中包括200多名儿童。
铁路行业正在支持Rail to Refuge计划于2020年3月由妇女援助,为幸存者提供免费的铁路旅行和避难空间(延长至2021年3月)。
有关该计划的详情及运作方式,请浏览Rail to Refuge FAQs.