
Don Buckley, 79, joined Waterloo’s station team in 1953 aged just 14. Due to start a job as a messenger at London Euston, Irish-born Don mistakenly ended up at Waterloo after asking a taxi driver to take him to the big station in the capital.

He remains working there today, 65 years later.

His incredible years of service means Don is one of the few people still working in the industry with formal training to decouple a steam train.

Don, who moved to London from County Kerry in 1952 after being sent to England to make a living, said: “I was very young and frightened when I came here all those years ago. I couldn’t get my own place to live. Everywhere was ‘room to let, but no Irish’.

“I was getting £7 a week and had to send a lot of that money home to my mother. It was hard back then but I loved working here.



Don said: “We’re here to help people wherever we can, I’ve made some great relationships with people I always see at the station – they always stop to say hello.”


“多年来我在这里遇到的一些人是难以置信的。我曾经拿过Sir Stanley Matthews的行李箱 - 他给了我四先令。多年来,我帮助携带了很多人的行李。Roger Moore Tipped Me 10英镑,我也带着阿尔弗雷德希克柯克。我不太喜欢他,因为他有一个非常沉重的行李箱。当他们在这里制作那个Bourne电影时,他们告诉我,我无法上楼梯,好吧,我做了,那个年轻人Matt Damon为我打开了门。

“The station has changed a lot while I’ve been here. There’s no more steam trains or anything like that, but it’s still the station I love and I think it’ll be fantastic when the former International Terminal re-opens.”

An£800 million upgrade, to create 30 per cent more room at the station at peak times, is due to be completed at the end of this year, at Britain’s busiest station which includes the reopening of the former Waterloo International Terminal.

Despite spending all his working life at the station, Don says he still misses it when he’s away: He said: “When I’m on holidays or when I’m off, I miss Waterloo. It’s like losing a finger; like I’m missing a part of me. My daughters and sons say to me ‘dad, you’re getting old’ but I don’t listen. My wife says to me every day: ‘all you ever talk about is Waterloo, Waterloo, Waterloo’, but I can’t help it; Waterloo’s a part of my life and I’m happy.”

Becky Lumlock, route managing director at Network Rail, said: “As we celebrate this amazing birthday for Waterloo station I’m very proud to have Don on the station team – he must surely be the longest serving person on Britain’s railway.


Read more about London Waterloo's remarkable history