The亚搏彩票软件官网网络轨道存档is the custodian of a vast collection of historic documents and plans relating to today’s railway infrastructure.


Each month we will delve into the archive to shine a light on the development of our network through the ages.

10月:Ada Lovelace

10月8日是Ada Lovelace Day– a celebration of women’s achievements in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM).

此国际活动旨在提高个人活动,以计算Pioneer Augusta Ada King,旨在提高women in STEM, create more role models to encourage girls into related careers and support women already working in STEM.

Lovelace, born in 1815 and daughter of infamous poet Lord Byron, is best known for her work with inventor Charles Babbage on the analytical engine – a general purpose computing machine.

In our archive, we hold three property deeds signed by Lovelace, including this 1837 document for land between Esher and Surbiton railway stations in Surrey and Greater London respectively:

该土地由前一个伯爵洛杉矶彼得·王国拥有,并传递给他的儿子威廉王 - 诺埃尔。彼得国王于1833年去世,并指定了一群受托人,以便在他去世后照顾他的事务,以便决定与他的土地和庄园有关。这些是ada lovelace;威廉王 - 诺埃尔(8thEarl of Lovelace); William Keppel (Viscount Barrington), Hon. George Matthew Fortescue and Hester King.

The land went on to become part of the London & South Western Railway (LSWR) mainline.

Women in STEM

We're encouraging more women to explore STEM and pursue exciting career opportunities on the railway. This International Women in Engineering Day,we launched our flagship film, Just Like Me, to inspire girls and young women to consider roles in engineering.

Watch the film to hear why our passionate engineers love their jobs:


From the archive: our oldest items

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