Last Windrush Generation arrivals at London Waterloo by photographer Howard Grey


Windrush Monument将成为从1948年的MV Empire Windrush的到达到英国的到达英国的宗旨,并在几十年之后到达。 

It will recognise how the Windrush Generation have enriched our nation’s history and made invaluable contributions to all aspects of British life, from our health and transport services to our politics, businesses, literature and culture.

计划揭示了胜利的设计黑色历史月份10月和纪念碑预计将在Windrush Day 2022上揭开。

The four artists shortlisted to design the monument are all of Caribbean descent and include world renowned, established and up and coming artists working across the visual arts.

Some of the last arrivals of the Windrush Generation at London Waterloo by photographer Howard Grey


  • Sculptor and painterBasil Watson在全球设计的公共雕塑和纪念碑,包括马丁路德国王,Usain博尔特和Merlene Ottey的雕像。牙买加政府在2016年被授予了2016年区分(指挥官课程)的顺序,以表彰他的艺术成就。他的家庭是浪涌生成的一部分。
  • Jeannette Ehlersuses a mixture of photography, video,installation, sculpture and performance in her work. Her work addresses complex questions about memory, race and colonialism, influenced by her Danish Trinidadian heritage. In 2018 Ehlers was the co-creator of a significant public memorial in Copenhagen to Mary Thomas (a 19TH.世纪奴隶制自由战斗机),与Crucian艺术家La Vaughn Belle合作。
  • 的女儿Windrush代介子eers,Valda杰克逊在雕塑、绘画、版画和moving image creating complex narratives that reflect and question our past and present with intent on influencing our future. In 2017, her collaborative public art practice ‘Jackson and Harris’ won the Marsh Award for excellence in Public Sculpture from the Public Monuments and Sculpture Association.
  • Recently commissioned by Hackney Council to create a permanent sculpture honouring Hackney’s Windrush Generation,Thomas J Pricehas significant experience of creating public artwork. The British-Jamaican artist works across sculpture, film and photography focussing on representation and perception in society.

伦敦滑铁卢站is strongly associated with the stories of many members of the Windrush Generation. It stands at a point where thousands of Windrush pioneers first arrived in London before starting new lives across the UK.

Some of the last arrivals of the Windrush Generation at London Waterloo by photographer Howard Grey

The monument will be an ambitious public artwork that stands as a testament to the contribution of Caribbean pioneers in communities across the United Kingdom. It will create a permanent place of reflection and inspiration and be a visible statement of our shared history and heritage.

The artists unveiled today were selected by theWindrush纪念委员会(WCC)由Baroness Floella Benjamin Dbe主持。

Baroness Floella Benjamin DBE, chair of the Windrush Commemoration Committee, said:“我们正在进入这个项目的一个非常令人兴奋的舞台,以实现纪念碑即可围绕角落。

“Our shortlist contains a vibrant mix of talented artists, all with lived experience of the Windrush legacy and we will now see proposals developed into a vision for the national monument to the Windrush Generation in London Waterloo station.


Lord Greenhalgh, Communities Minister, said:“Over 70 years ago, when the first passengers on MV Windrush disembarked at Tilbury Docks, it marked an extraordinary moment in the history of modern Britain. The Windrush generation and their descendants have gone on to play an important role in every area of British life, helping to shape the society we are so proud of today.

“I look forward to seeing the designs that these exciting artists will produce to celebrate and honour their contribution to our nation’s vibrant history, right at the centre of our nation’s capital.”

The artists will now be asked to develop their ideas into a maquette, model or drawings to illustrate their design. Each shortlisted artist will present their proposal via a short film, which will be shared nationally with a focus on the British Caribbean community.

UP Projectswas appointed by住房,社区和地方政府部亚博账号登录(MHCLG) to manage the selection process and ensure the views of the Caribbean community in the UK were sought on what would represent a meaningful legacy.





Windrush Day 2020


Incredible Windrush generation images brought to life
